In the latest Asian Journal of Distance Education issue, Sezgin (2022) uses #perceptual styles from #cognitive #psychology and finds that field-independent (and female) learners succeed better in #DistanceLearning:
Such #individual learning styles are rejected by some researchers (Stephen Downes' response):
Cognitive style is difficult to define. In my #InterculturalCommunication classes, it is an aspect of #CommunicationStyle.
I think #diverse learning styles exist, yet C.G. Jung’s theory of compensation would argue that challenging students' weaker cognitive functions could help them. I show differing #cultural learning styles in “#Japanese Learning Styles in Cross-cultural #OnlineEducation”:
My view of cultural learning styles is confirmed concisely in a Université du Quebec #SecondLanguageLearning and #Bilingualism online class module:
#perceptual #cognitive #psychology #distancelearning #individual #Interculturalcommunication #CommunicationStyle #diverse #cultural #japanese #onlineeducation #SecondLanguageLearning #bilingualism
Thanks a lot for input, I will look into it!
maybe it's just like all change - there is an adoption curve which takes time...
Or maybe I have to deviate so much from how I like to communicate, that it just doesn't make sense for me to stay?
Time will tell, I guess...
#ChangeTakesDedicationAndTime #TechnologyAdoption #CommunicationStyle