Hello friends! I’m so excited to announce the return of the @SolidarityHistory #podcast!
First episode of new season features Michelle Caswell (co-founder of South Asian American Digital Library, and co-Director of the UCLA Community Archives Lab, and author of “Urgent Archives). We talked about the radical potential of archives and causing trouble at work.
If you’re into #archives, #communityArchives, #history, #librairies , #memoryWork, this is for you!!
#podcast #archives #CommunityArchives #history #librairies #memorywork
It's been a minute, or more like half a decade, but we've finally reprinted our infamous "Circle-A" Archivist t-shirts, and they're available in our swag shop:
Betcha know someone who'd really like to find one of these in the sukkah this year!
#circleaarchivist #archivist #anarchist #communityarchives #diy #screenprinting
#circleaarchivist #archivist #anarchist #CommunityArchives #diy #screenprinting
🚨 Abstract Deadline Tomorrow!!! 🚨
#DigitalBias #DigitalHumanities #CommunityArchives #DigitalArt #Storytelling
#SpeculativeDesign #AlgorithmicBias #DesignJustice #CriticalFabulation #IntersectionalFeminism #CriticalMaking
#digitalbias #digitalhumanities #CommunityArchives #digitalart #storytelling #speculativedesign #algorithmicbias #designjustice #criticalfabulation #intersectionalfeminism #criticalmaking
Hi, I’m Liz! I’m an #archivist working on #recordsManagement & #digitalPreservation. I mostly post on #digipres topics.
I also post about #powerlifting or my #cat Laika. 😻
I live in #Vienna, sometimes I share my #WienLiebe, other times #grant. I’ll boost #fernetzt posts once we’re here!
Besides English, I speak/read German, French, Italian, & a little Czech. I’m learning some Portuguese too!
Other stuff: #antifascism #feminism #histGender #communityArchives #antifa #vegan
#vegan #antifa #CommunityArchives #histgender #feminism #antifascism #fernetzt #grant #wienliebe #vienna #cat #powerlifting #digipres #digitalpreservation #recordsmanagement #archivist #introduction
Please boost...
Thanks so much to everyone who took part in Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities' #CommunityArchives forum today.
It was such a privilege to listen and learn from those collating, archiving and digitising the lives, experiences and stories of those traditionally marginalised within DH.
Thanks also to @orlaegan our community coordinator and Áine Madden from the Digital Repository of Ireland for organising the event, as well as the Royal Irish Academy for hosting us.
what a joy to spend today at #RadicalArchives forum with fellow creators of digital archives representing marginalised communities across Ireland. thank you @orlaegan and @DrIzzyFox (Full Stack Feminism) and DRI for organising. #DigitalArchives #CommunityArchives
#radicalarchives #digitalarchives #CommunityArchives
Please boost...
Really looking forward to our #CommunityArchives forum tomorrow at the DRI in Dublin, organised by @orlaegan
#RadicalArchives #CommunityEngagement #DigitalArchives
This will give those who have established digital archives representing marginalised communities to share their experiences and expertise.
This is the first in a short series of these events.
#CommunityArchives #radicalarchives #communityengagement #digitalarchives
@WellingtonChineseHistory Tautoko. It is, and I feel you... But as someone on the scientist.social instance just said, in the fediverse we have a place where scholars can interact with real world accounts & interested citizens, not just other professionals... I'd say the same goes for the #histodons. #HistoryIsForEveryone is one of my #CommunityArchives catchphrases and it's great to bring both sides of the spectrum together is my belief.
#histodons #historyisforeveryone #CommunityArchives
good review article on #CommunityArchives
"Community archives and archiving projects represent unprecedentedly democratic venues for information work centering on essential documentary concepts such as custody, collection development and appraisal, processing, arrangement and description, organization, representation and naming, collaboration, resource generation and allocation, activism and social justice, preservation, reuse, and sustainability." https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JD-07-2019-0140/full/html
Arribat setembre toca posar-se a estudiar de nou. 🧐📚 #DigitalArchives #SurveillanceCapitalism #InformationAge #DigitalPreservation #CommunityArchives #SocialWeb #DigitalMethods #SocialMemory
#digitalpreservation #CommunityArchives #socialweb #digitalmethods #SocialMemory #digitalarchives #surveillancecapitalism #informationage