Dusty was one of 4 outdoor kittens cared for by a number of people in the neighborhood. The happy feline rascals spent the day playing. The other three are now dead -- probably from rat poison intentionally put out to kill cats or raccoons.
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#CatRescue #Kittens #Cats #Charity #OutdoorCats
#NeighborhoodCats #CommunityCats #catsofmastodon #caturday
#catrescue #kittens #cats #charity #outdoorcats #neighborhoodcats #CommunityCats #catsofmastodon #caturday
A few years ago, Silver Cloud became sick. Metro Cat Rescue brought him to the vet. Silver Cloud was diagnosed as having a viral illness. That was bad enough, but what was even worse was the results of the bloodwork: FIV+. Silver Cloud retired from life in the streets and now lives inside. Metro Cat Rescue continues to care for him.
#cats #caturday #catsofmastodon #catrescue #CommunityCats
A Metro Cat Rescue volunteer saved Jemma in 2016. A mom living outside, she had given birth in a car about to be towed to the junkyard. Metro Cat Rescue took in the whole little family and continues to care for them.
#CatRescue #Cats
#NeighborhoodCats #communitycats #catsofmastodon #Caturday
#catrescue #cats #neighborhoodcats #CommunityCats #catsofmastodon #caturday
Jemma was at the vet yesterday. Her appetite had been off. The examination showed that Jemma is going to need dental work. We are waiting for the results of the bloodwork.
Jemma seemed much happier last night. The steroids that she received took the edge off of the pain.
The bill yesterday was around $650. We are waiting for the estimate for the dental procedure.
#CatRescue #Cats #NeighborhoodCats #communitycats #catsofmastodon #Caturday
#catrescue #cats #neighborhoodcats #CommunityCats #catsofmastodon #caturday
I started panicking about my #TNR colony. And then I realized I prepped right after the 2021 Texas Frozen Blackout. I’ve misplaced a few things since then (Mylar blankets) so I need to repurchase them today. #BombCyclone #TNRColony #CommunityCats
#CommunityCats #tnrcolony #bombcyclone #tnr
I was asked to #introduce my clowder of #cats. In order of seniority: Domino, Hamilton, Pippin and Claude. As well as two #feral #CommunityCats, O'Malley and Tuxey. #catsodon
#introduce #cats #feral #CommunityCats #catsodon
Now that they’re weaned, we’ve separated the #kittens from mom (who’s been turned over to our local #CommunityCats program to prepare her for release in our back yard, since she’s probably too feral to be a pet), we’re getting the kittens to accept us as food givers. One is more eager than the others…