Turns out doing #CommunityDay was the easiest way to knock out the 120 excellent throws needed for the seasonal timed research. #Charmander sits still like a little gentleman. #PokemonGo #PoGO
#CommunityDay #charmander #pokemongo #pogo
Hahaha ça se voit que Niantic cherche à se faire pardonner quelque chose, il y avait 3 shinies dans le lot. Si je peux pas aller aux pokemons, les pokémons viennent à moi :)
#CommunityDay #pokemongo #squirtle #carapuce
The missus dared me to fully evolve this 14 CP Larvitar. Behold a 53 CP terror!! 😂 Great IVs, but whew... #PokemonGo #CommunityDay #PoGO
#pokemongo #CommunityDay #pogo
The #PokemonGo #CommunityDay weekend has been disappointing so far. Only 1 shiny that I already had. Hopefully this afternoon will be better. 🤞🏻
how did your day 1 #CommunityDay #PokemonGo for December? My shiny catch rate was not awesome but I did manage to catch a shiny Cobalion last night!
During the Teddiursa #CommunityDay yesterday, my wife was sitting in in the coffee shop when two players came in and needed open chairs. She offered space at her table. When they learned she was playing too they started telling her about this 'awesome guy' walking around wearing a safari hat and handing out Pokéballs and helping people out. It was me, I was that guy. #PokemonGO
Final count 13 shiny Teddiursa for me and 7 for Frankie! #PokemonGo Love the crew of fantastic folks I walk with who make it a really social and friendly experience. How'd y'all do? #CommunityDay
Huzzah! I have a #NianticCampfire local community created, just in time for the #CommunityDay.
#NianticCampfire #CommunityDay
It was a very hot and humid day for Teddiursa hunting but I did catch a few shinys #Pokemon #CommunityDay
Walked for an hour in the sun and NO shiny Teddiursa for me, my worst #Pokemon #CommunityDay luck for a long time!
Pokemon Go with Frankie went great for community day. He caught 10 shiny (pink!) dratini; I caught 5. We also hung out with some other community folks and went out for burgers afterwards :D
How did your #PokemonGo #CommunityDay go?