While clearing out my Drafts folder on Tusky, I found this unsent gem:

In today's episode of "How my Master's Project Infested my Brain", we will explore how a comment made in a Session 0 run by Vampire the Masquerade Storyteller @JacobBurgess can become an excellent method for consensus-building between people with different levels of information. In this talk, I will----

#ttrpg #CommunityDevelopment

Last updated 1 year ago

@mordremoth 3) Since I'm doing a Master's in , I thought that Ro and you might like to know that this kind of thinking is still being taught. I don't recall if you or Ro had done a degree in Public Administration; hence my mentioning it. I intended for the implication to be that if current grad students are learning about it but the tenets are not more common knowledge... 2/


Last updated 1 year ago

Okay, possible weird question: Do you think that strategic planning is effective? Why or why not?


Last updated 1 year ago

Beyond Beans · @beyondbeans
2 followers · 24 posts · Server mastodon.green

is a popular dish similar to couscous made from fermented .

The footage and images were taken in the AboudΓ© MendekΓ© Agricultural Cooperative Society (CAAM), in AgnΓ©by-Tiassa, CΓ΄te d'Ivoire.


#attieke #cassava #CommunityDevelopment #farming #IvoryCoast

Last updated 1 year ago

Geeks for Social Change · @gfsc
266 followers · 25 posts · Server social.gfsc.studio

β€œMost of this work we’re doing is work we want to do anyway, that we’re already doing for free, but that makes it perpetually unsustainable.”

Join us as we imagine ways community funding could be done differently, and share the material impacts of the current system of projects, bids, and buzzword bingo.

#CommunityDevelopment #GFSCPodcast #ubi #CommunityFunding #StartWithPeople #SustainableFunding

Last updated 1 year ago

ecosentido · @ecosentido
239 followers · 1667 posts · Server xarxa.cloud

When Research About a Community Is Led by the Community

East Baltimore resident researchers explain the importance of investing in local training and expertise to drive solutions


#reaserch #CommunityDevelopment #community

Last updated 2 years ago

eliza-ng · @elizang
6 followers · 53 posts · Server botsin.space

Open source developers win big! πŸ’― macOS drivers are now surpassed by open source developers - a major victory for community development. Read more in this blog post πŸ‘‰ eliza-ng.me/post/wouldweriskth

#opensource #macos #CommunityDevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago

"We can't put 'care' in a can and pass it to another district." -- SD62 Trustee Russ Chipps, Chief of Beecher Bay First Nation at tonight's Board meeting about how well the district is regarding the promotion of Indigenous education.

I am so fortunate to be studying this school district for my capstone project because I *do* hope to be able to describe and explain how SD62 embeds the promotion of and in its strategic planning.

#CommunityDevelopment #accessibility #equity #diversity #inclusion

Last updated 2 years ago

It took a while, but I'm finally able to announce the beginning of the Survey recruitment phase of data collection for my Master's in capstone project. You can check out the very brief blog post here (renken-sebastian.ca/2023/02/se) which has embedded in it my first extensive video editing project. Please boost?

#asiansinacademia #academicmastodon #idea #accessibility #equity #diversity #inclusion #CommunityDevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago

Pulsar Edit · @pulsaredit
306 followers · 58 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Our newest release has dropped! With this we officially on rolling releases and dropped beta tags. Also more icon fixes and Mac releases are now signed thanks to @autumnblazey!

Read more here:


#opensource #CommunityDevelopment #pulsar #pulsaredit #rollingrelease #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

@DrNerdLove 4. Create your own and start posting under it. I've staked my claim on the one as well as the ones. Revel in the fact that you can now say that you're the founder of the hashtag (if no one else has indeed posted in the tag before or is not as prolific as you).

5. Read a lot, and also respond a lot. But not too much!

6. Accept the fact that Quote ReTooting is not an established practice and learn why. 3/

#CommunityDevelopment #publicadministration #hashtag

Last updated 2 years ago

Back in my undergrad days, I took a class called Acting for Non-Majors as a general education prerequisite. It was pretty amazing, and I really enjoyed the challenge of memorizing speeches both in that class and the Theatre department-focused Oral Interpretation of Shakespeare.

Let's hope my brain can remember whatever tricks and tips I learned while I record the narration for my data collection recruitment video.

#education #CommunityDevelopment #crossdisciplineprojects #academicmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

@DessertGeek Yeah. I just returned the money, and then we had a 1 hour mentor-ish conversation about how I can gain experience in


Last updated 2 years ago

Oh! Also, the PAC president said she missed me asking really good questions during the board meetings that were conducted after I completed my background and context observations for my project.

I am trying hard to not let this go to my head, but sometimes it's difficult.

#antiimpostorsyndromefile #publicadministration #education #CommunityDevelopment #sd62

Last updated 2 years ago

The presentation to SPEAC went well, I think. Because I prefer to be able to adjust my presentation on the fly in response to things which were said prior in the meeting, I know that I went way over time. I need to work on correcting that and would appreciate any recommendations that more polished extempore speakers have used for how to practice being spontaneous, but not so spontaneous that you go over time. 1/

#academicmastodon #asiansinacademia #mastersprojects #CommunityDevelopment #sd62

Last updated 2 years ago

Okay, giving my first presentation to the parents in about the data collection process for my research project. If you have good mojo to share, I'd love to borrow it for a bit.

Once I've cleaned up the audio from the live presentation, I'll have it available to view on the research project website hopefully later this week.

#communityinformedresearch #crossdisciplineprojects #publicadministration #education #idea #CommunityDevelopment #sd62

Last updated 2 years ago

LB: I encourage all parents whose kids are in public schools to write to their school boards and their municipal councils asking what the district plans on doing to help implement safer HVAC systems to prevent airborne transmission of illnesses.

#civicinfrastructure #CommunityDevelopment #education

Last updated 2 years ago

Heck yeah! Even though I am not a Minnesotan anymore, I do keep up with what's going on with the people I met and with whom I became friends. This awesome article came to me via LinkedIn from my former supervisor in her new role as the Chief Programs Officer of the Hmong American Partnership:


#deaggregateddata #asiansinamerica #mentorsandmentees #hmongamericans #CommunityDevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago

Crystal Steltenpohl · @cnsyoung
794 followers · 558 posts · Server fediscience.org

I'm saddened to learn about the passing of sociologist Jody Kretzmann, co-founder of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute. Jody was a talented community organizer in Chicago who strove to implement community-driven policies.

You can read co-founder John McKnight's note about Jody here: abcdinaction.org/john-l-mcknig

#sociology #CommunityDevelopment #assetbased #ABCD

Last updated 2 years ago

It begins. The good mojo-requesting begins now.

The documents for my Masters project are in my advisor's hands, they will soon be in my supervisory committee's hands, and with the help of your good mojo, I can begin data collection with my stakeholder groups to learn how to help strategic planning initiatives supporting inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA). Now to spruce up the research project's website...

#academicmastodon #publicadministration #CommunityDevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago