Amanda B · @amandacsb2
1351 followers · 14498 posts · Server

Fun things seen at the community garden.

#CommunityGardening #garden

Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2177 followers · 6698 posts · Server

I am reading a student’s dissertation on in Lewisham and she basically did all her research taking her three younger brothers along with her and i want to give her a first for this alone.

Also the descriptions of them all planting seeds, playing with soil and enjoying are just 💚

Goldsmiths anthropology students are just the best - I just so hope our department survives 😥

#anthropology #CommunityGardening #gardening

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Sunshine · @benSunshine
33 followers · 304 posts · Server

Samstagseinsatz: Zwischen den Karotten/Ruebli die Beikräuter rauszunehmen, bevor sie sich vermehren können, gehört malt auch dazu. Natürlich mit richtigem Rüstzeug.

#CommunityGardening #cooperativeagriculture #zurich #solawi

Last updated 2 years ago

Ray Lovegrove · @Bearhouse
1027 followers · 1128 posts · Server

includes judges and prosecutors, too. This should be obvious.

Judges and prosecutors play games with people's fates every day, based on some rules that the government wrote down. Some deliberate carefully, some don't; it doesn't matter. There's no incentive to treat the defendant as a deserving human being. Nothing can come of a case except either punishment or nothing at all, which is inherently a misanthropic system. Nobody needs or deserves that.

Judges and prosecutors can only live with themselves because they have a radically different mindset from us. They are so detached from the real-world effects of their own actions, so entitled to wielding absolute power over other people, that they summon unfathomable cruelty upon their defendants without batting an eye. In the of the , a years-long sentence for one person is simply a matter of paperwork for another. They do not know, nor want to know, the realities of the places they send other people to regularly.

This is part of why must encompass not only the , but also prisons and every level of the punitive legal system and . It must all be replaced with systems of that include eliminating the systemic causes of violence, reducing its harm, eliminating the ideology of law, and constructing ways to de-escalate and heal harm when it is caused. We also need voluntary community defense to respond to violent threats, again grounded in democratic community participation and transformative justice instead of law, punishment, and the state.

In practice, some ways we can implement this are by refusing to call the police when crimes are committed: ignoring them when possible, and offering non-punitive alternatives otherwise (eg. they could repair the broken item, people who are fighting could be away from each other for a day and talk about it the next day, you could offer to pay for a therapist), by creating social costs to being a , prosecutor, or judge in the forms of major annoyance and isolation (eg. cutting them out of our lives if we know any, egging cop cars and courthouses), by donating to bail funds, and by implementing a economy where basic needs are provided for collectively by the community for free: , , free education collectives, etc.

#acab #bureaucracy #pic #prison #abolition #police #prisonindustrialcomplex #transformativejustice #cop #mutualaid #CommunityGardening #libraryofthings

Last updated 2 years ago

Planning for a new community garden project at the Swan Hotel, , is underway! 🥒🥕🌶(area very kindly provided by James Slater). Incredible Edible South Milford need volunteers for weeding/maintaining & planting, watering, growing seedlings 🌱🙏🏼 @ediblesmilford

#southmilford #leeds #community #GrowingVeg #growyourown #CommunityGardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Spring will be here before we know it. If you're itching to food but live somewhere with access to ample outdoor space, why not start your own ? Here are 10 tips to get you started.

#growyourown #communitygarden #CommunityGardening #communitygardens #UrbanGarden #urbangardening #eatlocal

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric van Suesz · @amsterdameric
77 followers · 391 posts · Server
Caspar Below · @cbelow
110 followers · 86 posts · Server

Went to the funeral of a local community organiser and activist today. She has had a great impact on the lives of many people and communities by keeping things consistent, practical and local. There is much we can do bu organising locally

#mutualaid #refugeesupport #allotments #CommunityGardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda B · @amandacsb2
921 followers · 5954 posts · Server

I’m so excited! Learned there is a Community Garden right near me! One of the exercise ladies runs it. I’m getting a plot! 🪴👩🏼‍🌾

#CommunityGardening #Gardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara Venn · @Saralimback
68 followers · 20 posts · Server
crpitt · @crpitt
7 followers · 7 posts · Server

My longest community based project is Old Town Bloom - a project that features a little free library, storytelling circle, bug hotel, growing space and just a lovely space to sit down.


Last updated 2 years ago

So, I guess posts are a thing?

First name’s Mike. Late 30’s. Originally from South Jersey, now unfortunately in NE Philly. Work is and .

I play weekly. Influenced by my love of and tales.

Sports: Massive guy. Casual guy. Just started following & .

Got into a few years ago, especially and . 1/2

#introduction #greenbuilding #greenenergy #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #folklore #mythology #cryptid #nhl #flyers #nfl #eagles #f1 #formulae #gardening #containergardening #CommunityGardening

Last updated 2 years ago

For those who voted in the , I don't necessarily discourage it. I voted. But we must acknowledge that voting is not enough. We are given a limited and unhelpful (to put it mildly) set of realistic choices, with a that gets thrown in with millions of not discarded outright, for people to govern us, once every two years. There's not a lot that can be accomplished through --not nothing, but not much.

. That's the way to change systems. For and , examples include starting and helping out in projects, collecting materials that would have gone to waste and turning them into useful things (ie making woven or paper clay containers and furniture from used plastic and paper bags), empty lots with native, edible, and plants, carpooling or riding public transit, and even blocking, obstructing, or sabotaging fossil fuel and deforestation infrastructure (don't get caught, though). The community is generating, spreading, and acting on many such ideas.

We will also need to support direct action through research on critical issues and effective actions, communication (including through the arts) to spread our ideas and share our methods, and living our lives in ways for a better world.

For decades, the capitalist state has known about , has faced public demand to stop it, and has done next to nothing. They're not going to start now. It's on us to stop ecological destruction from reaching its worst outcomes, and it's on us to build the structures we need to survive and adapt on this planet as it does face crisis and harm. Capitalism, hierarchy, and the state don't have a place in a future, anyway.

#USmidtermelections2022 #vote #electoralism #DirectAction #ClimateJustice #ecosocialism #CommunityGardening #Plarn #seedbombing #PollinatorFriendly #solarpunk #prefigurative #EcologicalBreakdown #sustainable

Last updated 2 years ago

Nebuchi :ecoanarchism: · @nebuchi
265 followers · 2293 posts · Server

i felt really sad and lonely yesterday because I couldn't meet my family nor my friends nor my wife - so i went foraging in my neighborhood, then to the community garden, then back home where i made these jars with stuff i collected:
[see image description]


#jars #pickles #fermented #plants #JarsOfTheFediverse #UrbanForaging #foraging #gardening #CommunityGardening

Last updated 3 years ago