@louis On Β«long-term burdens are simply unbearable and operators just wait for the right moment to sellΒ».
Should we organise user-led buyouts? This is the time for the #SocialCoop playbook to shine. Can we outbid Facebook or are they already offering outrageous sums?
#socialcoop #CommunityMayNotScale #FediMeta
Another major #MastoAdmin burnout, another reminder to build communities at sustainable scale without relying on the infinite energies of a single individual.
#mastoadmin #CommunityMayNotScale
#Privacy #GDPR #EUdataP #TERREG #DSA #DMA #DarkPatterns #cookies #NOYB #DuckDuckGo #AdTech #surveillance #DigitalRights #IAB
#Antitrust #Google #Microsoft #Twitter #Facebook #CloudFlare #MicrosoftTeams #Office365 #GoogleAnalytics #WhatsApp #Instagram #Gitlab #GitHub #Apple
#Mastodon #Fediverse #MastoAdmin #FediMeta #ActivityPub #FediAdmin #MastoMeta #PleromaBot #fediverso #CommunityMayNotScale
#OpenCollective #SocialCoop #cooperative #sustainability #cooperatives #commons
#privacy #gdpr #eudatap #terreg #dsa #dma #darkpatterns #cookies #noyb #duckduckgo #adtech #surveillance #digitalrights #iab #antitrust #google #microsoft #twitter #facebook #cloudflare #microsoftteams #office365 #googleanalytics #whatsapp #instagram #gitlab #github #apple #mastodon #fediverse #mastoadmin #FediMeta #activitypub #fediadmin #mastometa #pleromabot #fediverso #CommunityMayNotScale #opencollective #socialcoop #cooperative #sustainability #cooperatives #commons
@stuartmarks @llebrun The issue is quite simple:
#Mastodon and #fediverse instances should never be allowed to grow as big as mastodon.{social, online} did. It's a recipe for disaster. So, yes, it is a failure of management, but it has nothing to do with the software.
We'll know that we learnt from the mistake if those 2 instances remain closed for registration and https://joinmastodon.org/servers has many smaller instances. It takes effort from everyone.
#mastodon #fediverse #CommunityMayNotScale
@ntnsndr This #SocialCoop guide to the #fediverse feels super relevant for every #MastoAdmin!
I'm curious about all those big instances run by individuals. Any suggestion about fiscal hosts? Do you sleep well without?
#socialcoop #fediverse #mastoadmin #fediadmin #mastometa #CommunityMayNotScale
@darius It's going to be fascinating to see what happens to instances like @toot.community which in 24 hours went from 0 to 15k users. An mid-sized town of people who have nothing in common apart from having woken up to the news of Mastodon on that day, and found it as the only option in the official signup process.