Tomorrow (June 1) at 17.00 CET @RSprugnoli will hold a workshop "Introduzione al Natural Language Processing" within the series "Aspettando #aiucd2023" (also online; in Italian)
#digitalhumanities #NLP #naturallanguageprocessing #CompLing
#aiucd2023 #DigitalHumanities #nlp #naturallanguageprocessing #CompLing
Calling all prospective CLMS students -- info session coming up!
Join CLMS faculty for an info session webinar Friday January 27, 12:30am-1:30pm (Pacific Time). Info & RSVP here:
RT @martijnwieling
We have 2 @FacultyofArtsUG @GroNlp vacancies for tenured (!) Assist. Profs in #CompLing/#SpeechTech. If you are interested in applying #SpeechTech to minority languages, contact me, as more research time (up to 70%) may then be possible: RT=nice!
An #introduction to you lovely people here in #mastodon is long overdue now:
I'm currently a #PhD candidate, research assistant, and associate lecturer at #LancasterUniversity.
I love all things #corpuslinguistics, #stats, and interpretable #CompLing.
I'm passionate about developing new, explainable methodologies and workflows so we can analyse (existing) linguistic data in new ways and further our understanding of language 🗣️ and the mind 🧠
#CompLing #stats #corpuslinguistics #LancasterUniversity #phd #mastodon #introduction
#Introduction with #Hashtags
#Hi, I work on #ComputationalLinguistics (#CompLing): I develop models of human #LanguageLearning and #LanguageUse, and I test them on #RealWorldData. One focus of my work has been on #Lexical #Semantics, looking at how a word's #Meaning can be learnt from #Context, and indeed what kind of #MeaningRepresentation to use in the first place. This work is #Interdisciplinary, drawing on #Linguistics #PhilosophyOfLanguage #CognitiveScience #MachineLearning
#introduction #hashtags #hi #computationallinguistics #CompLing #LanguageLearning #LanguageUse #RealWorldData #Lexical #semantics #meaning #Context #meaningrepresentation #interdisciplinary #linguistics #philosophyoflanguage #cognitivescience #MachineLearning
RT @complingy
#CompLing alert: For anyone applying to North American grad programs, here are 35 Linguistics departments with #NLProc(-adjacent) research: