Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
358 followers · 3548 posts · Server

I went to check the pots where I have wine cap mycelium growing, and sure enough the raspberry pot has a juvenile mushling!

It is a lot paler in colour because it doesn't get a lot of sun behind the thick mass of raspberry leaves. So, I just rotated the pot by 90°.

(I had made a beautiful raspberry topiary at the start of the season after I pruned everything back harshly, but it is right back to growing wild. There's a lot of new canes coming up, which will be great for next year.)

In my other raspberry pot I have placed blewits.

I also have wine cap mycelium in with my currants, but that doesn't seem to be fruiting.

That's probably because the raspberry pot substrate has been disturbed by the new cane growth, while the new currant growth is all on old stem stock. I did put a new strawberry plant in with the currants yesterday, so perhaps that will also provoke pinning in that pot.

#MushroomMonday #mushtodon #mushlings #mushlove #containergardening #CompanionPlanting

Last updated 1 year ago

Right Off The Noggin · @rotn
149 followers · 655 posts · Server

Hey Garden friends,
I'm thinking of planting pole beans next to the melons. Can anyone tell me why I should not? I know they both ramble, etc, thats partly the reason -I may have them share a trellis. Thoughts?

#vegetablegardening #CompanionPlanting #Gardening

Last updated 1 year ago

Right Off The Noggin · @rotn
157 followers · 692 posts · Server

Hey Garden friends,
I'm thinking of planting pole beans next to the melons. Can anyone tell me why I should not? I know they both ramble, etc, thats partly the reason -I may have them share a trellis. Thoughts?

#vegetablegardening #CompanionPlanting #Gardening

Last updated 1 year ago

ElizaB🌱 · @figandpen
298 followers · 980 posts · Server

Gardening friends, do you have a roster of plants that you grow from seed and a separate one for plants you buy? I know everyone's growing conditions are different, so some plants grow well from seeds while others don't. For instance, I don't think I'll try to grow marigolds from seed again. I find them fiddly, and they take up a lot of space.

#CompanionPlanting #gardening

Last updated 2 years ago

Em · @Elchsa
61 followers · 106 posts · Server

So looks like and something will be on the menu today.

Open to suggestions!

#eggplant #tomato #gardening #homegrown #organicgardening #CompanionPlanting

Last updated 2 years ago