What is the relationship between the principle of solidarity in international law, societal goals of sustainability, and the role of business? In my latest paper on SSRN I venture into these questions. As is evident from the several references to work-in-progress papers, this paper reflects ongoing thinking, and I would therefore be especially happy for any constructive comments!
#Solidarity #Sustainability #PlanetaryBoundaries
#Business #CompanyLaw #SustainabilityLaw
#solidarity #sustainability #planetaryboundaries #business #CompanyLaw #SustainabilityLaw
RT @AnaGallegoEU: Yesterday I attended a @europarl_en event on digital transformation, where I presented our proposal for a Directive to expand the use of digital tools and processes in EU #CompanyLaw.
This digitalisation will help us meet the challenges of a modern economy and society.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jduch/status/1641174652645961730
Meer transparantie en minder administratieve rompslomp voor bedrijven in de EU, door meer & beter gebruik te maken van digitale tools. Daar gaat het #CompanyLaw -voorstel dat de @EU_Commission vandaag deed, over.
Meer info 👉🏻https://europa.eu/!VW3xwB
@dreynders @EU_Justice
RT @EC_AVService: ➡️ Commission proposes more transparency and less red tape for companies to improve business environment in the EU
📸 & 📽️: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/topnews/M-009285
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU4BE/status/1641053017645490176
Expanding digital tools & processes in EU #CompanyLaw
To help companies do business in the EU by reducing administrative burdens, proposed Directive includes:
☑️application of once-only principle
☑️EU Company Certificate
☑️removal of need for apostille
More details here ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1641013643155238912
More transparency and less red tape!
@EU_Commission proposes Directive to expand the use of digital tools and processes in EU #CompanyLaw
Read more:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1641012589197942789
RT @EU_Justice: Expanding digital tools & processes in EU #CompanyLaw
To help companies do business in the EU by reducing administrative burdens, proposed Directive includes:
☑️application of once-only principle
☑️EU Company Certificate
☑️removal of need for apostille
More details here ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dreynders/status/1641041293915701250
Jak stosować narzędzia cyfrowe w procedurach prawa spółek, jednocześnie zapewniając silne mechanizmy zabezpieczające przed oszustwami?
↓ Dziś Komisja Europejska zajmie się stosowaniem narzędzi i procesów cyfrowych w prawie spółek
#CompanyLaw 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1640956657973747713
S preprostejšimi pravili in dodatnimi digitalnimi orodji opremljamo podjetja za poslovanje v EU.
🆕pravila🇪🇺, ki jih prestavljamo danes, bodo poenostavila čezmejne postopke za podjetja, poslovne registre & organe.
@GZSnovice @MGTS_gov @Mpravosodje
RT @EU_Justice: Expanding digital tools & processes in EU #CompanyLaw
To help companies do business in the EU by reducing administrative burdens, pro…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1641015009823141890
So great to see all who have registered already! Still possible to register for digital participation at this hybrid conference! Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness
Deadline to register for physical participation at this hybrid conference: 30 November! Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness #Sustainability https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness #sustainability
Join us 7-8 Dec as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! The conference is hybrid: Participation through Zoom possible as is also physical participation. Tapas reception w/jazz quintet on 7 Dec! Few physical seats available. Register today! #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#ClimateChange #planetaryboundaries #SocialFoundations #finance #accounting #CompanyLaw #CorpGov #SustainabilityLaw #SustainableBusiness
Hello, sad to be losing contact with old friends on Twitter but hope to find them here on Mastodon. As we all face huge challenges I am keen to keep learning, to stay informed and contribute to discussions and information sharing on #companylaw, #corporatelaw, #corporategovernance, #sustainability, #climatechange, #bizhumanights, #politics, #SDGs, #ESG, #sustainablefinance, #history, #geography, #medcine, #science, #lawtech, #socialjustice, #labourlaw, #EUlaw
#eulaw #LabourLaw #socialjustice #lawtech #Science #medcine #geography #History #sustainablefinance #esg #sdgs #Politics #bizhumanights #ClimateChange #sustainability #Corporategovernance #CorporateLaw #CompanyLaw
In this paper, @jukkamahonen and I propose that business law theory should be reconceptualised. We explain why and suggest how - and we are looking forward to constructive comments before we submit this as an article to a journal! #SustainabilityLaw #LegalTheory #Interdisciplinarity #Sustainability #RegulatoryEcology #BusinessLaw #CompanyLaw #Law #Economics
#SustainabilityLaw #legaltheory #interdisciplinarity #sustainability #regulatoryecology #businesslaw #CompanyLaw #law #economics
Happy that research I am involved raises interest!
#corporatelaw #companylaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
#corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #businesslaw #finance #company #corporation #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity #legaltheory
Join us as we go beyond financial risks of #ClimateChange to a research-based concept of risks encompassing #PlanetaryBoundaries & #SocialFoundations & discuss its integration in #finance, #accounting & #companylaw #corpgov! When: 7-8 Dec. Where: Hybrid, Oslo & Zoom. Open for all, so register today! https://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/areas/sustainabilitylaw/events/2022/conference-2022/conference-12-2022.html
#CorpGov #CompanyLaw #accounting #finance #SocialFoundations #planetaryboundaries #ClimateChange
Vanity maybe, but nice to see that you read my pieces at #SSRN on #corporatelaw #companylaw #finance #accounting #auditing #audit #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity
#SSRN #corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #finance #accounting #auditing #audit #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainability #interdisciplinarity
Hi! My hashtags #corporatelaw #companylaw #cooperativelaw #auditing #accounting #finance #corporatesustainability #sustainabilitylaw #sustainabilityscience #sustainablefinance #companies #cooperatives #sustainablebusiness #law #economics
#corporatelaw #CompanyLaw #cooperativelaw #auditing #accounting #finance #CorporateSustainability #SustainabilityLaw #sustainabilityscience #sustainablefinance #companies #cooperatives #SustainableBusiness #law #economics
Making Europe fit for the digital age!
In 2023, we will propose an EU Directive to further expand and upgrade the use of digital tools and processes in #CompanyLaw.
Read more about @EU_Commission's 2023 work programme here