@csddumi Financial stewardship is taking responsibility for stewarding the financial aspects of a socioeconomic system.
At #TransparentClassroom, this ranges from:
1. Participating in our Budgeting process
2. Participating in our #CompensationChronicles
3. Performing accounting work tasks, such as reconciling the books, running payroll
4. Analyzing financial and economic data and making projections about how that data relates to our shared future.
#CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom
Every year, #TransparentClassroom goes through the #CompensationChronicles; where team members work with a steward of their choice to:
1. Understand our orgs financial situation
2. Reflect on their growth over the last year
3. Identify how their personal context relates to compensation
4. Set their preferred and floor pay rate for the next year.
One of the hardest part of #Cooperatives is financial #Stewardship; especially in ones where ~65% of expenses are workers pay!
#stewardship #cooperatives #CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom
Every year, #TransparentClassroom goes through the #CompensationChronicles; where team members work with a steward of their choice to:
1. Understand our orgs financial situation
2. Reflect on their growth over the last year
3. Identify how their personal context relates to compensation
4. Set their preferred and floor pay rate for the next year.
One of the hardest part of #Cooperatives is financial #Stewardship; especially in ones where ~65% of expenses are workers pay!
#stewardship #cooperatives #CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom