Each year, the Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows hosts a two-day virtual summit that expands the boundaries and challenges the norms of Competitive Intelligence. This event is unlike any other event in our profession. If you are a Competitive Intelligence professional, you want to be with the Fellows 27 - 28 September.
This year's theme is "Competitive. Intelligence." We are going back to the foundational assumptions of the profession. What does it mean to be "competitive" in light of our rapidly-changing macro environments? How do we define "intelligence" in an era of AI and new understandings of the systems of human intelligence? As elemental as these questions may seem, now is the time to redefine them, adapt our methods, and expand the insight and foresight we deliver to aid decision-making.
#CompetitiveIntelligence #CI #cifellows2023
Please join the Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows for a very informative and practical webinar on competitor segmentation.
The presenters, Alysse Nockels and Phil Britton, knocked my socks off at the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals conference last month with a live session on this topic. This skill set is required for Competitive Intelligence leaders to map complex and complicated competitive landscapes.
Good discussion on the application of ChatGPT (and generative AI) to the intelligence process.
#intelligence #CompetitiveIntelligence #AI
How can CI professionals prepare for the future reality of generative AI as part of the intelligence process? How do you navigate stakeholders' credulity (or lack thereof) for chat agents (just like they did for search engines back in the day)? Where will Competitive Intelligence add value? What skills do we need to develop to get there?
Please look at the replay of this week's panel on the implications of generative AI for Competitive Intelligence professionals. I was privileged to sit on a panel with these sharp minds from the Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows.
#AI #generativeAI #chatgpt #CompetitiveIntelligence #CI
Are ChatGPT and Bard the next CI analysts? Join the Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows for a webinar on March 28 to hear the debate!
Competitive Intelligence professionals will be persuasive if they have cognitive empathy for stakeholders' mixed desires and fears toward our profession. They need our insights to make better decisions, but we judge their prior choices.
I elaborate on this premise in my blog post, "The Call is Coming from Inside the House."
It's so much easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble. #CompetitiveIntelligence #competitor #competitiveadvantage
#CompetitiveIntelligence #competitor #competitiveadvantage
What market segments provide the maximum opportunity for growth? #CompetitiveIntelligence #competitor #competitiveadvantage
#CompetitiveIntelligence #competitor #competitiveadvantage