RT @CompleNet@twitter.com
We're happy to announce Fariba Karimi (@fariba_k@twitter.com) as one of our keynote speakers for #CompleNet23 to happen in Aveiro, Portugal.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CompleNet/status/1589986711957692417
RT @CompleNet@twitter.com
We're happy to announce Sophie Meaakin (@SophieMeakin@twitter.com) as a keynote speaker at #CompleNet23 scheduled to happen in Aveiro, Portugal. Join us by submitting your contribution at
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CompleNet/status/1589988578809217024
RT @CompleNet
The deadline for submission of abstracts and papers is set to November 30, 2022. Don't miss out! More information can be found here https://complenet.weebly.com/call-for-contributions.html Submissions are open! #CompleNet23 #NetSci #NetworkScience #ComplexNetworks #DataScience
#CompleNet23 #NetSci #networkscience #complexnetworks #datascience