Derek Caelin šŸŒ± · @derek
1884 followers · 1686 posts · Server

We organized a community bike ride yesterday. My legs are screaming "NO" but my heart says "Yes".

#bikes #community #safety #CompleteStreets

Last updated 1 year ago

AJ Sadauskas · @ajsadauskas
1408 followers · 5122 posts · Server The Melbourne City Council has just discovered that sticking up some signs that say "shared zone" isn't enough to make a great shared pedestrian space.

"Flinders Lane, Little Collins, Little Bourke and Little Lonsdale streets became ā€œshared zonesā€ in September 2020, with pedestrians given right of way and speed limits lowered from 40 km/h to 20 km/h.

"For the most part, pedestrians and drivers were unaware of the priority rules within the shared zone. Pedestrians generally waited for cars to pass before crossing the street and drivers were rarely observed yielding to pedestrians.ā€

"The review says the council should install more ā€œtraffic-calmingā€ designs ā€“ like raised street sections, planter boxes or dining parklets ā€“ and paint or pave the streets to differentiate them from regular roads, where vehicles have priority."

#Walkability #walking #streets #cities #urbanism #urbanplanning #walk #cycling #bikes #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara FL Kirk · @sflkirk
246 followers · 1446 posts · Server

Looking for evidence on the effectiveness of interventions? This amazing resource from the team covers , and interventions. Plus the animations are mesmerising!

Check it out at

#activetransportation #pedestrian #bicycle #vehicle #roadsafety #visionzero #activetravel #CompleteStreets #sustainablecities #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Derek Caelin šŸŒ± · @derek
1594 followers · 611 posts · Server

I've been making explainer videos for my town in . Sometimes committee meeting drop really important knowledge that needs to get spread.

For example - new developments must make a . They must! And put in a .

#connecticut #sidewalk #bikerack #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago

Sharon Machlis · @smach
1832 followers · 666 posts · Server

@scowens What happens when you have a public transit system that is slow, unreliable, and doesn't go where most people need to travel without ridiculous out-of-the-way transfers. Not to mention either no bike lanes or bike lanes ā€œprotectedā€ by paint alone. As you say, EVs not an answer. Meanwhile feds give tax credits for giant EV SUVs but not for e-bikes.

#CompleteStreets #planning #mapoli

Last updated 2 years ago

brodio · @notes
213 followers · 811 posts · Server

13 complete streets changemakers in their communities. I see complete streets as a part of applied to city planning and development.

#universaldesign #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago

brodio · @notes
197 followers · 721 posts · Server

@forteller and are critical here, but really slow going getting any attention or implementation.

#CompleteStreets #universaldesign

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce STIFTEL · @BruceStiftel
40 followers · 100 posts · Server

The Costs of Wide Streets in the U.S.

"In "The Width and Value of Residential Streets" in the Journal of the American Planning Association (Vol. 88, No. 1; ), Adam Millard-Ball aims to not only quantify the proportion of American cities devoted to automobile circulation, but estimate the value of that land and its opportunity cost from an economic perspective."

#CompleteStreets #japaplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara FL Kirk · @sflkirk
157 followers · 590 posts · Server

@saskia Thanks for sharing! Calling @envirojen & @BikeMayorHfx who spearheaded this in & over the last year. I'm predicting even greater participation next year!

#HalifaxNS #dartmouthns #cycling #kidicalmasshfx #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruce STIFTEL · @BruceStiftel
33 followers · 64 posts · Server

Complete Streets followers will want to see this new report from UN-Habitat, UNEP, and the Walk21 Foundation:

WALKING AND CYCLING IN AFRICA: Evidence and good practice to inspire action.

#africa #bikepedplanning #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago

Brent Toderian · @BrentToderian
9350 followers · 138 posts · Server

Never forget, multimodal streets (aka ā€œcomplete streetsā€) are simply more efficient, because they move, hold & serve more PEOPLE within the same space. Whether you think streets are just for moving people, or are for a LOT more, theyā€™re just better. Via @NACTO.

#cars #city #urbandesign #urbanism #cities #streets #CompleteStreets #citymakingmath

Last updated 2 years ago

Derek Caelin šŸŒ± · @derek
1461 followers · 232 posts · Server
John Kamp · @kamperpants
27 followers · 49 posts · Server

gets a bad rap for many things, but places like are actually doing quite a bit with new street configurations to minimize asphalt, maximize tree canopy and shade, and make the overall walking experience better. . Here the streetscape brings the tree canopy out into the street itself. Discovered on a walk @jamesrojas and I did while there for our workshop at .

#CompleteStreets #cities #trees #shade #urbandesign #urbanism #Legoland #tempe #arizona

Last updated 2 years ago

Derek Caelin šŸŒ± · @derek
1480 followers · 1582 posts · Server

It's amazing how conversations can shift perceptions.

Until I attended a few and pedestrian advocacy sessions I noticed nothing about the roads except where they took me.

Now, I see pedestrians walking on grass where there are no . I see narrow roads and bicyclists hugging the edge or traversing grass to avoid# cars.

Now actually means something.

Advocacy matters.

#bike #sidewalks #CompleteStreets

Last updated 2 years ago