#ClimateChange is a consequence of #techDebt and local optimizations. #ComplexityScience may have the answer.
#climatechange #techdebt #ComplexityScience
By Auguste Nahas
#cybernetics #neuroscience #complexityscience @philosophy #philosophy #DialecticalSystems #interview #TerrenceDeacon
#cybernetics #neuroscience #ComplexityScience #philosophy #dialecticalsystems #interview #terrencedeacon
Iโm a #marine evolutionary ecologist using #genomics and #bioacoustics to understand how ๐ respond to environmental changes like #climatechange #fishing and #conservation strategies.
Iโm also interested in #adaptation #speciation #BiodiversityGenomics #StructuralVariants #GenomicForecasting #SexualSelection & #ComplexityScience at large.
Scientific & artistic project TORSKETROMMING (๐๐ฅ๐ถ): https://tinyurl.com/mv52tub7
More at my site: https://rebekahoomen.weebly.com/
#introduction #marine #Genomics #BioAcoustics #climatechange #fishing #conservation #adaptation #Speciation #biodiversitygenomics #StructuralVariants #genomicforecasting #sexualselection #ComplexityScience
I've been here for a while, but time for a re- #introduction:
I'm Scott or Vortex Egg, and I'm a cursed librarian. I work at the intersection of #technology, #informationscience, and #collectivebehavior on mitigating informational harms and violent extremism. I am currently pursuing an MLIS degree and am employed as the tech lead of a related nonprofit.
My work and research touch on:
**Digital extremism**
The influence of digital technologies, #misinformation, #propaganda, and #informationoperations on the emergence of #cults, #conspiracytheories, and #terrorism and violent #extremism.
**Cursed library science**
The management of harmful information, #contentmoderation and #TrustAndSafety, #digitalarchiving & #digitalpreservation, and #research methods for #cursedknowledge.
**Collective information science**
Theories of collective #informationbehavior, including #sensemaking, #crisisinformatics and #rumoring, the dynamics of #informationecosystems, and corrupted and stigmatized #informationseeking.
**Complexity science**
My work is informed by a qualitative and applied approach to #complexityscience, #systemsthinking, and #complexsystems as well as...
**Critical technology**
A critical and analytical perspective on #sociotechnical systems, #surveillance and #algorithms, #cybernetics, and #swarmintelligence.
#swarmintelligence #cybernetics #algorithms #surveillance #sociotechnical #complexsystems #systemsthinking #ComplexityScience #InformationSeeking #informationecosystems #rumoring #crisisinformatics #sensemaking #informationbehavior #cursedknowledge #research #digitalpreservation #digitalarchiving #TrustAndSafety #contentmoderation #extremism #terrorism #conspiracytheories #cults #informationoperations #propaganda #misinformation #CollectiveBehavior #informationscience #technology #introduction
Seems like a good time for an #introduction
I'm a master's student at at University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
While the programme is mostly about communication engineering, I wrote my bachelor's thesis about behavioral #epidemiology. I still work on this topic and #complexityscience.
In the context of communications, I focus on #molecular communication. And of course, I'm also interested in #MachineLearning.
Posting mostly about these topics, bad jokes and random stuff I come across.
#machinelearning #molecular #ComplexityScience #epidemiology #introduction
Apparently people share a toot with hashtags related to what they do to make themselves discoverable for their communities on other instances. So: #NZTwits #emergence #evolution #complexityscience #networkscience #informatics #socialcomputing #datascience #cscw #computationalSocialScience #academics #academidon #newzealand #nlproc #computerscience #deutschsprachige #Germany #expat #wellington
#NZTwits #Emergence #evolution #ComplexityScience #networkscience #informatics #socialcomputing #datascience #CSCW #computationalSocialScience #academics #academidon #newzealand #nlproc #computerscience #deutschsprachige #Germany #expat #wellington
RT @sfiscience@twitter.com
"Causality is complex...you use adaptation to your advantage, not just try to get rid of it. #EmergentEngineering [makes] a MINIMAL mechanism that coordinates with MAXIMAL adaptive systems...it's a collaboration between classical engineering and [#ComplexityScience."
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/sfiscience/status/1588612408456904704
#EmergentEngineering #ComplexityScience
Freshly minted quantitative PhD looking for work in #DataScience. Shifting from #macOS to #Linux / #PopOS from #System76 (tiling ftw) , which is my daily driver now.
Using #Python, #SkLearn, #PyTorch, #RStats, #nltk, etc. for #ML #DeepLearning, #Statistics, etc.
Interested in the above and #Electronics #Arduino #ComplexityScience #DynamicalSystems #SystemsThinking #Philosophy #Ethics #Economics #Biases in research, etc.
Trying #ComputerMinimalism, i.e. more text-based.
#introduction #datascience #macos #linux #popos #system76 #python #sklearn #pytorch #rstats #nltk #ml #deeplearning #statistics #electronics #arduino #ComplexityScience #dynamicalsystems #systemsthinking #philosophy #ethics #economics #biases #ComputerMinimalism
Who all is going to be at #NeurIPS this year? My research focus is #datavisualization but I'm particularly interested lately in #explainableai #xai #hcxai #interpretability for #machinelearning #ai #artificialintelligence
I also have a background in #dataviz for #complexsystems #netsci #complexityscience #networkscience
Let's connect in New Orleans at #NeurIPS2022 !
#NeurIPS2022 #networkscience #ComplexityScience #NetSci #complexsystems #dataviz #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #interpretability #hcxai #xai #explainableai #datavisualization #neurips
RT @elisa_omodei@twitter.com
Interested in how #ComplexityScience can help us quantify vulnerabilities & monitor and achieve the #SDGs? Our perspective "Complex Systems for the Most Vulnerable" with @ranzHer@twitter.com @danielapaolotti@twitter.com @mtizzoni@twitter.com is now out in J. Phys. Complex. (@IOPPublishing@twitter.com): https://doi.org/10.1088/2632-072X/ac60b1
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/elisa_omodei/status/1507349806972350479