Engineering Explained - Why Does Ethanol Make So Much Power? (Versus Gasoline):
#Ethanol #E85 #E100 #Biofuel #AlternativeFuel #FuelEconomy #ThermalEfficiency #AirFuelRatio #CompressionRatio #EngineKnock #HeatOfVaporization #HOV #EnergyDensity #Energy #Octane #RON #BrakeMeanEffectivePressure #BMEP #Physics #AutomotiveEngineering #Automotive
#ethanol #E85 #E100 #biofuel #AlternativeFuel #FuelEconomy #ThermalEfficiency #AirFuelRatio #CompressionRatio #EngineKnock #HeatOfVaporization #HOV #energydensity #energy #Octane #ron #BrakeMeanEffectivePressure #BMEP #physics #AutomotiveEngineering #automotive
We employ many-body Pauli observables to convey our bits, and each set of constructable commuting observables defines one measurement basis. For n qubits, this approach shows an asymptotic #CompressionRatio of O(n^2/2^n) and better #SuccessProbability than prior QRACs for n≥16. Many congrats specially to Giancarlo Gatti for this great work and of course to D. Huerga and E. Solano for the collaboration.
#CompressionRatio #SuccessProbability
We employ many-body Pauli observables to convey our bits, and each set of constructable commuting observables defines one measurement basis. For n qubits, this approach shows an asymptotic #CompressionRatio of O(n^2/2^n) and better #SuccessProbability than prior QRACs for n≥16.
Many congrats specially to Giancarlo Gatti for this great work and of course to D. Huelga and E. Sol ano for the collaboration.
#CompressionRatio #SuccessProbability