Marxists and Commies use words like "equity" and "fairness" as they pertain to "racial, gender, and economic injustice" as a means of stealing wealth.
#Comptroller #Bidenregime #commie #SauleOmarova
Marxists and Commies use words like "equity" and "fairness" as they pertain to "racial, gender, and economic injustice" as a means of stealing wealth.
#Comptroller #Bidenregime #commie #SauleOmarova
Marxists and Commies use words like "equity" and "fairness" as they pertain to "racial, gender, and economic injustice" as a means of stealing wealth.
#Comptroller #Bidenregime #commie #SauleOmarova
William Jasper On Communist Background Of Biden's Choice For Comptroller Of The US Currency
#communism #uscurrency #Comptroller #WilliamJasper