@bengrantmath actually, you can do this in any field or domain (or even ring, but that gets trickier). We study it all the time in algebraic proof complexity, which uses alegbraic approaches like these to try to understand the complexity of individual instances of (usually) NP-complete problems. Fun stuff!
#complexity #ComputationalComplexity #algebra
Students from US institutions can apply for a travel allowance (from NSF) to attend #CCC2023 this July in Warwick. No requirement to have a paper at the conference.
Deadline May 31, 2023.
Very simple application! Details & app at: https://computationalcomplexity.org/travelAllowance/travelAllowance2023.php
#ComputationalComplexity #ccc2023
Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/07/10/inquiry-into-inquiry-on-initiative-1/
Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan • Sorting and Proving
• https://rjlipton.wpcomstaging.com/2022/06/13/sorting-and-proving/
❝GPT-3 works by playing a game of “guess the next word” in a phrase.
This is akin to “guess the next move” in chess and other games, and
we will have more to say about it.❞
My Observation —
As a person who struggles on a daily basis to rise to the level of sentience
I've learned it has more to do with beginning than ending this sentence.
#GödelsLostLetter #ComputationalComplexity #BooleanSatisfiability #SAT
#Logic #AbductionDeductionInduction #PropositionalCalculus #LLM #GPT
#gpt #llm #PropositionalCalculus #abductiondeductioninduction #logic #sat #booleansatisfiability #ComputationalComplexity #godelslostletter
Second: complexity classes! P, PP, BPP, ZPP, are all actual #ComputationalComplexity classes. (I swear! It's true!)
Q2: Without looking it up, do you know how they relate to each other?
Very nice and clear article by @benbenbrubaker on @QuantaMagazine, describing the meaning and implications of the latest advances regarding random #quantum circuit sampling:
Heck, I felt I understood something! #TheoreticalComputerScience #TCS #ComputationalComplexity
#ComputationalComplexity #tcs #theoreticalComputerScience #quantum