Today is a big day for #DraCor: we release the 🇺🇦Ukrainian🇺🇦 Drama corpus! It started with a list of plays compiled by a Ukrainian philologist Bohdan Tokarskyi & was encoded in #TEI with some help from a Ukrainian comp. linguist
@dudarjulia 🙏🙏 Also UDraCor wouldn't happen without the work of @skorinkin & Carsten Milling and the support & advice from @peertrilcke, @umblaetterer & @ingoboerner 🙏🙏🙏
Last but not least @sucho was always an inspiring example for us
#ProgrammableCorpora #NetworkAnalysis
#ComputationalLiteraryStudies #StandWithUkraine
#dracor #tei #digitalhumanities #programmablecorpora #networkanalysis #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #StandWithUkraine
The law of nature that GitHub commit descriptions shorten as work progresses has been proven true once more😅
#DraCor #DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #AcademicTwitter
#dracor #digitalhumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #academictwitter
Ontologies for Narrative and Fiction (workshop)
Monday, July 3 · 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday, July 4 · 09:00 – 12:00
Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam
#DH #DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies @gronlp
#ComputationalLiteraryStudies #digitalhumanities #dh
I've tried to explain why I called my project "GOLEM".
A mix of Hebrew myth, sci-fi, and Primo Levi
#DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #linkeddata #KnowledgeGraphs
#KnowledgeGraphs #linkeddata #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #digitalhumanities
I've tried to explain why I called my project "GOLEM".
A mix of Hebrew myth, sci-fi, and Primo Levi
#DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #linkeddata #KnowledgeGraphs
#KnowledgeGraphs #linkeddata #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #digitalhumanities
Heute im #ComputerCafé der #RuhrUniBochum: Literaturwissenschaft und Informatik, und die spannende Frage, ob gerade die #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #CLS der #Hermeneutik zu einem Comeback verhelfen. #tw
#tw #hermeneutik #cls #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #ruhrunibochum #computercafe
Hi, I'm Andreas and I'm based in the north of the Netherlands #introduction.
I research and teach computational linguistics and computational humanities at #UniversityOfGroningen @gronlp #NLProc #ComputationalHumanities #DigitalHumanities #CulturalAnalytics #ComputationalLinguistics #ComputationalLiteraryStudies
#Introduction #universityofgroningen #nlproc #computationalhumanities #digitalhumanities #culturalanalytics #computationallinguistics #ComputationalLiteraryStudies
The first presentation of the GOLEM project will be in January (in Amsterdam + online). Thanks to @melvinwevers for the invitation
#culturalevolution #digitalhumanities #DH #computationalliterarystudies
#ComputationalLiteraryStudies #dh #digitalhumanities #CulturalEvolution
I'm hiring 2 PhDs in Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing for the GOLEM project (computational literary studies, fanfiction, reading studies, cultural evolution)
Here are the details of the positions:
#academicmasdoton #academicjobs #jobvacancy #joblisting #DigitalHumanitis #computationallinguistics #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #naturallanguageprocessing #nlp
#nlp #naturallanguageprocessing #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #computationallinguistics #digitalhumanitis #joblisting #jobvacancy #academicjobs #academicmasdoton
Great news for #DigitalHumanities and especially #ComputationalLiteraryStudies: @jcls has launched the first issue. Three articles are already published, more are to come:
Congratulations to the editors and thanks a lot for the great effort! @christof @EvelynGius and Peer Trilcke 🥳
#DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies
Accidentally the latest play we added to the 🇺🇦 #DraCor collection of TEI-encoded drama is set in the #Kherson region. Its original name is ‘Hunger’ and it describes the terrible famine of 1921-1922 in Ukraine. Soviet censors forced its author Mykola Kulish to rename the play to '97' and add a 'happy ending'. Kulish was executed in 1937.
97 is the number of poor peasants in a fictional village (and the number of measures of bread that appear in the 'happy ending'). Power struggle between 'the poor' and 'the rich' is the central conflict in this play. Automatic clustering of the social network shows the division between these two antagonistic groups almost without a flaw! Here, like in the famous #KarateClub, we have a gold standard: the author specified 'the poor' and 'the rich' in the cast list
#socialNetworks #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #digitalhumanities #KarateClub #Kherson #dracor
#introduction #neuhier
Coming from Literary Studies, I am now head of the Service Center for Digital Humanities (SCDH) at University of Münster. My interests are digital annotation, text analysis, visualization, literature and narratology. I work for #DigitalHumanities, #ComputationalLiteraryStudies (#cls), #dhtheorie, #methodology and #openscience. I am also part of the specialized editorial office (Fachredaktion) of the Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (
#introduction #neuhier #DigitalHumanities #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #cls #dhtheorie #methodology #openscience
#DHd_Blog - Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum
Published: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 10:26:35 +0000
"Doktorandenstelle im Forschungsprojekt Tracing Regularities in Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s Dramatic Œuvre with a Computational Approach"
#RSS_Bot #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #CalderóndelaBarca #Allgemein
#DHd_Blog #RSS_Bot #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #calderóndelabarca #allgemein
Teste einen neuen Server und bin darum wieder #neuhier. Es folgen also ein paar (nicht ganz random) facts über mich: Ich bin Digital Humanist an der TU Darmstadt. Meine Schwerpunkte liegen in #ComputationalLiteraryStudies und #Kulturwissenschaften. Ich interessiere mich im Moment vor allem für Representationen non-binärer Gender. Außerdem versuche ich technisch niedrigschwellig in Methoden der #DigitalHumanities einzuführen und zwar bei Freue mich auf Austausch!
#neuhier #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #Kulturwissenschaften #DigitalHumanities
Wir haben zwar noch Mai, aber unseren nächsten Vortrag im Rahmen der InFoDiTexT+ Vortragsreihe gibts trotzdem schon nächsten Montag. Sophie Schneider berichtet von ihrer kürzlich verteidigten Masterarbeit. Für den Link zum Zoomraum schreibt mir einfach eine Nachricht. Wir freuen uns schon auf einen tollen Vortrag & auf viele von euch 😉
Mo, 30.5.2022 17:15 Uhr
#DH #PublicDH #CLS #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #LitWiss
#LitWiss #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #cls #PublicDH #dh