@fusaroli @mvugt and me are organizing a Lorentz Centre "Cognitive Modeling of Complex behaviour" hands-on workshop in January 2024. Check the call and join us (early career especially welcome): https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/cognitive-modeling-of-complex-behavior.html
@cognition @psycholinguistics @linguistics
#ComputationalModeling #cogsci #cognition
I don't think I shared this: I wrote a short paper for the last ICCM/Mathpsych (https://mathpsych.org/presentation/998#/document).
It's a computational model of self-paced reading (written in @mcmc_stan) in a framework of continuous flow of information.
@cognition @linguistics @psycholinguistics @cogsci #psycholinguistics #bayesian #stan #rstats #cogsci #psycholinguistics #ComputationalModeling
#ComputationalModeling #cogsci #rstats #Stan #bayesian #psycholinguistics
Markus Werning presented “Episodic memory as a predictive process: minimal hippocampal traces as error signals and the role of precision weights” at the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory
Find Markus’s work on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=V87KRwsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #neuroscience #ComputationalModeling
John Anderson presented “The Environmental Basis of Memory”, at #SPP2023’s #preconference on #memory.
Dr. Anderson applied “rational analysis” of human cognition (based on only goals, the environment, and constraints of the cognitive system) to explain memory (with Milson in 1989) and find evidence for this (with Schooler in 1991).
More recent #bigData from #Reddit and #Twitter fit the model.
Dr. Anderson’s career on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PGcc-RIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #bigdata #reddit #twitter #cogsci #ComputationalModeling
Isaac Davis presented "Inferring the Internal Structure of Social Collectives".
Isaac, Yarrow Dunham, and Julian Jara-Ettinger designed social vignettes to test their computational model of how people infer social structure (e.g., hierarchies) from a domain-general statistical learning mechanism and domain-specific social knowledge.
They think 2 experiments "support our account".
Preprint: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/t5hpb
#SPP2023 #socialPsych #PhilMind #cogSci #politics #ComputationalModeling #xPhi
#spp2023 #socialpsych #philmind #cogsci #politics #ComputationalModeling #xPhi
🚨 Raquel G. Alhama and I will be hiring a PhD student soon. 🚨
We are looking for a computationally minded cognitive scientist or a cognition oriented computer scientist.
It will be Bayesian computational modeling and neural networks joining forces to understand human sentence processing.
Starting date is this year before September, the call will be out soon (with a link to apply).
@cognition @cogsci @psychology @psycholinguistics
#ComputationalModeling #cogsci
#cogsci #ComputationalModeling
RT @ak_poorni
If you are interested in #ComputationalPsychiatry #ComputationalModeling #MachineLearning #ReinforcementLearning and looking for a postdoctoral position, apply to become a T32 trainee @McLeanHospital with me :)
#ReinforcementLearning #machinelearning #ComputationalModeling #computationalpsychiatry
I've been reading Reichle's "Computational models of reading: A handbook", and he points out a sad state of affairs for sentence processing:
1. There are very few computational models (that is that were truly implemented).
2. There are very few clear benchmark effects for the models.
A question for the psycholings: *What should a computational model of sentence processing capture?*
@linguistics @cogsci @cognition
#ComputationalModeling #psycholinguistics
Hello! My quick #introduction -- I am a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh and am currently on the #tenuretrack #jobmarket.
I use a computational cognitive neuroscience approach to understand how we learn about the complex sensory world.
#learning, #CognitiveScience, #neuroscience, #psychology, #ComputationalModeling, #perception, #audition, #vision, #VideoGames in science, #ScienceAdvocacy
#ScienceAdvocacy #videogames #vision #audition #perception #ComputationalModeling #psychology #neuroscience #cognitivescience #learning #jobmarket #tenuretrack #introduction
#introduction Hi all!
I'm a clinical #psychologist, cognitive #neuroscientist, & #computational modeler. I use #reinforcementLearning to understand how learning from rewards and punishments goes awry in #anxiety #trauma and #depression to improve how #psychotherapy (esp CBT) and other treatments work. I also work on how to measure #behavior better using #computationalModeling (esp with #bayes & #stan), and how science can benefit communities typically marginalized in medical research.
#Stan #bayes #ComputationalModeling #behavior #psychotherapy #depression #trauma #anxiety #ReinforcementLearning #computational #neuroscientist #psychologist #introduction
@kaitclark 👋 thanks for doing this! Keywords are #clinicalPsychology #computationalModeling #cognitiveNeuroscience
#CognitiveNeuroscience #ComputationalModeling #clinicalpsychology