#ConcreteCow fans, you can now receive convention updates through Mastodon! Follow @ConcreteCow for future updates.
Game submissions for Concrete Cow 23.5 are now open! If you'd like to submit a game, fill in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVDsiELVU7LfaLIUzXRRhxeom5peR1emHg9XfAoppFXgd3Cg/viewform
We'll add games to the website so you can see what's on offer. Keep an eye on https://www.concrete-cow.org.uk/games/ for the latest updates. All games are welcome - everything from D&D to Honey Heist has been run at past events.
#ConcreteCow #ttrpg #convention
Save the date: Concrete Cow 23.5 will take place on Saturday 16th September 2023. Once again we'll be playing at the Old Bath House in Wolverton, and there will be morning, afternoon and evening gaming slots.
We'll share more about game submission and other details nearer the time, so keep an eye out for further announcements.
After #concretecow it was home to take part in @kevinkulp's Six-guns and Serpentine a hack of the wildly successful Swords of the Serpentine, as the old saying goes, "When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth."
And so we found out in Carrion Creek but a deputy, a mayor, a preacher, a gunslinger and a sheriff put paid to the other worldly plans of infernal forces.
Cracking fun with @TheTweedmeister John @dampscot and Mark
Fun times at #concretecow #ttrpg I ran a game of #NeverGoingHome Home for Joe, Matt, Toby and Dave and then I scarpered as my lift had arrived.
Lovely to meet a few Raspy Raven, GfoJE and other digital RPG folks, who turned out they also exist in meat space.
Here is a pagoda...
#ConcreteCow #ttrpg #NeverGoingHome
@poutsma been following along, sounds a lot of fun, I'm about to embark on some war based horror #ttrpg games. Never Going Home at #concretecow on Saturday and then the playtest of a campaign #theyellowkingrpg Cassilda's Song - The Wars, luckily these both diverge from reality, as I'm always worried they'll be a war buff that will point out my mistakes on people, places and timings
#ttrpg #ConcreteCow #TheYellowKingRPG
I'm having an exceptionally #KultRPG filled week. I played a one shot on Monday, and ran part one of a three-parter on Tuesday. On Thursday there's the start of my new campaign (session 0 was last week) and I'm offering a one-shot at #ConcreteCow on Saturday.
Monday's one-shot was a murder mystery, partly inspired by Matrons of Mystery! Check out the livestream here:
Just a few more days until #ConcreteCow #Convention
Three weeks to go until #ConcreteCow and we've got some great games on the schedule but still plenty of room for more.
Concrete Cow 23 will take place on 18th March 2023 in Milton Keynes. It's a one day RPG convention organised by the Milton Keynes RPG club. Game submission is now open for anyone who wants to advertise their game in advance. For full details see the website where you can also sign up for the mailing list to get notified of future events. https://www.concrete-cow.org.uk/
#ttrpg #convention #ConcreteCow
4. First #TTRPG you bought from its creator
I'm pretty sure it was Don't Rest Your Head, which I'm reasonably sure I bought direct from Evil Hat, although given that it came out in 2006 I don't really remember exactly where I got it. I've only run it twice; once as a Halloween special for my home group, and once at #ConcreteCow where I ended up having to make some last minute content changes due to failing to put an age limit on the game and ending up with a 12 year old in the group.
@onlyfeatures technically I only play two of the above "regularly (but they mix several of the above) and the last one I only played it's once at #ConcreteCow. 😅
@onlyfeatures at the moment, I'm running adventures in the Achtung! Cthulhu setting but using the Cthulhu Dark inspired Against the Dark Conspiracy as the system.
On Saturday, I'll also be running my first playtest ever for Rosewood Abbey. It's an adaptation of #BrindlewoodBay to play monastic mysteries inspired by The Name of the Rose and #Cadfael.
I need to sign up for something as a player somewhere. The last time played, it was Svalbard at #ConcreteCow.
#BrindlewoodBay #Cadfael #ConcreteCow #ttrpg #WhatTTRPGareYouPlaying