There is a great old book of essay #TowardsLiberalEducation that got started in 1945 I think. The first editions ended with #LewisMumford's The #BasisOfRenewal a chapter from his book The #ConditionOfMan. (I wonder if some of the 60s activism was set up by good reading like this from the 40's on?) Mumford says how #JSMill's #SteadyState economy should have used terms like #DynamiEquilibrium instead: like for beaches and living organisms I guess. #SteadyStateEconomy .
#steadyStateEconomy #DynamiEquilibrium #steadyState #JSMill #ConditionOfMan #BasisOfRenewal #LewisMumford #TowardsLiberalEducation
> "... to deplore the spectacle, among the artisan class, of a workman occupied during his whole life in nothing but... pinheads, we [see] something quite as lamentable in the intellectual class, in the exclusive employment of the human brain in resolving equations... The moral effect is, unhappily, analogous.. a miserable indifference about the general course of human affairs."
#LewisMumford quotes this by #Comte in #BasisOfRenwal the last chapter in #ConditionOfMan
#ConditionOfMan #BasisOfRenwal #comte #LewisMumford