White House Cocaine Story Changes!
Enjoy the show.
#whitehouse #cocain #hunter #highonfilm #conflictofinterest #cocaineaddict
#whitehouse #cocain #hunter #highonfilm #ConflictOfInterest #cocaineaddict
Sunak admits think tank helped write anti-protest laws
The PM confirmed Policy Exchange helped draft laws targeting climate activists, as first revealed by openDemocracy.
#corporatocracy #corruption #conflictofinterest #antiprotest #bigoil #bribery #PM #climate #fuckery
#corporatocracy #corruption #ConflictOfInterest #antiprotest #bigoil #bribery #pm #climate #fuckery
A decade before Chief Justice John Roberts rejected a Senate request this week to testify about corruption scandals engulfing the Supreme Court, he threatened to challenge a congressional effort to ensure the high court’s justices abide by federal corruption laws, according to documents reviewed by The Lever.
#uspol #uspolitics #SCOTUS #corruption #conflictofinterest #accountability
#uspol #uspolitics #scotus #corruption #ConflictOfInterest #accountability
#WTF #Corruption #ConflictOfInterest
Clarence Thomas must be impeached over revelations of megadonor gifts, says AOC – live
#wtf #corruption #ConflictOfInterest
#ClimateDeniers #GlobalClimateChange
#StupidMinister #ConflictOfInterest #UK #Badenoch
#ClimateDeniers #globalclimatechange #stupidminister #ConflictOfInterest #uk #badenoch
Not a surprise.#ConflictOfInterest
£3.5m of Tory donations linked to pollution and climate denial, says report
Portland Planning Board chair renting apartment on Airbnb amid housing crisis
by Troy R. Bennett, Bangor Daily News, Wed, March 22nd 2023,
"While completely legal, some say it’s a bad look for a powerful city official, especially during an unprecedented affordable housing crisis.
"Planning Board Chair Maggie Stanley is renting the first-floor Woodfords Corner neighborhood apartment for $103 per night or up to $3,000 per month. Stanley’s long-term housing license at the property ran out at the end of last year and was not renewed, according to city records.
"'Walking distance to coffee shops, restaurants, and Back Cove,' reads the online listing. 'Access to shared yard, fire pit and grill. Ask about going for a ride in our lobster boat!'
"Stanley has been on the Planning Board since Feb. 2016. The board reviews and decides on all major development proposals in Portland.
"'It shows exactly where we are as a community,' said Wes Pelletier, former chair of the Livable Portland Campaign. 'City officials see housing not as a human right but as a way to make profits.'
"The campaign was an offshoot of the Maine chapter of the #DemocraticSocialists of America and sought, among other things, to reduce the number of short-term rentals in Portland. The referendum for that particular measure didn’t pass."
#UnaffordableHousing #HousingCrisis #Maine #ConflictOfInterest #PortlandMaine #Housing
#democraticsocialists #UnaffordableHousing #housingcrisis #maine #ConflictOfInterest #portlandmaine #housing
#NHS #ConflictOfInterest
RT @pascoesabido: This is brilliant! @botengam puts forward an important amendment calling out the #conflictofinterest posed by second jobs for MEPs, aka the #VerhofstadtSyndrome after the long-serving Belgian MEP with multiple side jobs....
And then @GuyVerhofstadt goes and votes for it! 😂
#ConflictOfInterest #VerhofstadtSyndrome
RT @Britain_People: 🔥According to September's Private Eye, @KwasiKwarteng
has been working for Odey's hedge fund on the side as a paid 'political advisor' at £20k a month ...
... since he was elected as an MP in 2010.
#ConflictofInterest #MPSecondJobs
#ConflictOfInterest #MPSecondJobs
RT @corporateeurope: BREAKING: MEPs call on EU's Frans Timmermans to support a #conflictofinterest policy to "keep 1.5c alive" and "protect the @UNFCCC process".
@TimmermansEU will you listen to @PetrosKokkalis @BasEickhout @MChahim @spietikainen and co?
RT @corporateeurope: BREAKING: MEPs call on EU's Frans Timmermans to support a #conflictofinterest policy to "keep 1.5c alive" and "protect the @UNFCCC process".
@TimmermansEU will you listen to @PetrosKokkalis @BasEickhout @MChahim @spietikainen and co?
📢Climate activists before Fossil Fuel Lobbyists!
In @PetrosKokkalis open letter, MEPs from @TheProgressives , @GreensEFA, @EPPGroup and @RenewEurope call on Commissioner @TimmermansEU for rules protecting the #UNFCCC decision-making process from big polluters.
RT @corporateeurope: BREAKING: MEPs call on EU's Frans Timmermans to support a #conflictofinterest policy to "keep 1.5c alive" and "protect the @UNFCCC process".
#unfccc #COP27 #ConflictOfInterest
"It's the academic doctors who have major conflicts of interest," the eminent Yale professor of epidemiology told cohosts John Solomon and Amanda Head. "They do the research studies funded by pharma, they are the spokesman for pharma. They get paid by pharma for grants and teaching and so on, and ... those payments corrupt the entire medical workspace and ideas space."
#pharma #AcademicDoctors #ConflictOfInterest
🤔 Looking to shape laws in favour of your profit motive?
💡 Hire an EU insider!
The revolving door is one of the key ways corporate lobbyists can shape the EU agenda.
Good to hear @EUombudsman speak out!
#ConflictOfInterest via @liliebayer