Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1133 followers · 2281 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
571 followers · 3789 posts · Server social.adamasnemesis.com

How many signals that we think are noise are actually the data patterns of long-dead aliens from god-knows-how-many eons ago? Might this be a way of resurrecting the dead? What if universal resurrection is mankind's cosmic destiny?

Painting is Pruszkowski's "Falling star".

#seti #FermiParadox #alienintellitenge #aliens #science #thoughts #cosmology #ConformalCyclicCosmology #physics #philosophy #cosmism #resurrection #immortality #art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
571 followers · 3789 posts · Server social.adamasnemesis.com

Where it goes from heady to freaky is when you realize that within Conformal Cyclic Cosmology such a method can be used to survive the end of one universe and the beginning of the next one.


#seti #FermiParadox #alienintellitenge #aliens #science #thoughts #cosmology #ConformalCyclicCosmology #physics

Last updated 2 years ago