📝 200 Web-Based, Must-Try Web Design and Development Tools:
A couple of web-based and free #tools to test and improve #accessibility, #performance, #security, #conformance, #colors and #images and #typography, #SEO and #SEM and—more. With an opinion about link lists, and appreciation for well-maintained tool collections.
#sem #seo #typography #images #colors #Conformance #security #performance #accessibility #tools
📝 Website Issues: On the Relevance of Audience Size and Impact:
Website issues—relating to #conformance, #security, #accessibility, #performance, #content, others—are usually treated with a particular priority, but that priority may not always be understandable, and may also be off. On the perspective we obtain when we consider and chart #audience size and impact.
#audience #content #performance #accessibility #security #Conformance
#Accessibility of two extremes https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2020JulSep/0142.html
Most interesting thread about colour contrast #conformance vs. #easeOfUse for real people vs. spec, and how the two can be combined (either by power users or advanced site settings).
#easeofuse #Conformance #accessibility
Challenges with #Accessibility #Guidelines #Conformance and #Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them https://www.w3.org/TR/accessibility-conformance-challenges/
Working Draft that is useful reading, methinks.
(I haven't done so yet but will soon.)
#testing #Conformance #guidelines #accessibility