Well, kind of disappointed that #Hololive #ConnectTheWorld concert didn't even bother to have a live band. A live band at least gives the feeling that the performances are live because the music unifies all the performances together. Kind of a second rate "concert" compared to what they did in Japan.
RT @rindingvijk
Amsterdam 💕 Thanks to @ck_SNARKs @BitcoinConfEUR @Satsback @BitKassaNL @SatoshiRadioPod @ctw_podcast @jllemus @bitcoinerrorlog @getAlby @arcbtc @geyserfund @Bitrefill @ziggamon and everyone from our amazing team for this amazing bitcoin celebration! #connecttheworld 🌽 https://twitter.com/_joerodgers/status/1581028001587658753
As I'd commented a few times and the hashtag should have made clear, this poll is about the "Marketplace of Ideas" concept, which in one interpretation seems to suggest that if you've got a contentious discussion, the apparently obvious solution is to expand it without limit.
(Other interpretations exist, including that arbitrarily limiting who can discuss a topic at all might be discriminatory, but the question as posed captures a flavour frequently encountered.)
On reflection, the notion does appear rather rediculous. I'd suggest that more contentious questions needs more structured, rather than less structured, discussion. Often with specific expertise or qualifications.
#marketplaceofideas #ConnectTheWorld #conversation
"This is a discussion that's going poorly, I know what will fix it, let's expand it to an immensely larger group of people!!!"
How often has this seemed emminently reasonable to you?
Boosts appreciated.
#marketplaceofideas #ConnectTheWorld #conversation