#Publikationsmanagement in der #OnePersonLibrary
Die Verzahnung #Informationsversorgung und #Publikationsaufkommen tritt immer dann zu Tage, wenn uns Bibliotheksnutzende Links zu #closedaccess-Literatur schicken, die sie in den KI-basierten riesigen Suchmaschinen recherchieren.
Neben den üblichen Suchmaschinen von Google, Microsoft & Co. und älteren Anwendungen wie #SemanticScholar, #Elicit und #ConnectedPapers, sehen wir #Scite und #consensus.
#Publikationsmanagement #onepersonlibrary #Informationsversorgung #publikationsaufkommen #closedaccess #semanticscholar #elicit #ConnectedPapers #scite #consensus
Good piece in @Nature on the problems of finding scientific articles and #search in general.
A few more things to add to my resources list too.
Surprised not to see #connectedPapers + it's ilk listed..
Does anyone know how to bypass the view limit for #connectedpapers.
Its got a limited number of graphs before it wants you to pay, but I cant figure out how its recognizing me.
I'm using a private browser tab so its not cookies, and I changed my ip using a vpn.
How can I get this website to forget who I am?
Thank you #connectedpapers
"statistically significant cooling in observations + SST trends throughout the AP since 1999... full 60-yr period shows statistically significant, widespread warming across S. Hemisphere middle + high latitudes... After confirming importance of southern annular mode on high-latitude climate variability, the influence is removed from station temperature records, revealing statistically significant background warming across the S. Hemisphere. "
@ct_bergstrom #connectedpapers is also quite helpful: https://www.connectedpapers.com/
@ct_bergstrom do you know about #ConnectedPapers? It's not exactly a Google scholar or web of science replacement but it's a really helpful tool.tonfind new and old papers.