Out Now - Special Episode from The Rating Room. This week we talk about Sir Sean Connery.
This is our third special episode. We look at Connery's career and discuss the other films he was in before and after his iconic James Bond portrayal.
Before we release Episode 8 - Live and Let Die (Midnight UK).
Here is the latest infographic for Episode 7 - Diamonds Are Forever:
#jamesbond #podcasting #podnation #daf #Connery
Sean Connery “non aveva una vita” e negli ultimi mesi non si esprimeva, ma ha esaudito l’ultimo desiderio - L`Irresponsabile #sean #connery #ultimi #esprimeva #esaudito #lultimo #desiderio #lirresponsabile #26giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pcnJlc3BvbnNhYmlsZS5jb20vc2Vhbi1jb25uZXJ5LW5vbi1hdmV2YS11bmEtdml0YS1lLW5lZ2xpLXVsdGltaS1tZXNpLW5vbi1zaS1lc3ByaW1ldmEtbWEtaGEtZXNhdWRpdG8tbHVsdGltby1kZXNpZGVyaW8v
#26giugno #lirresponsabile #desiderio #lultimo #esaudito #esprimeva #ultimi #Connery #sean
Sean Connery: la sua auto personale di James Bond all`asta per oltre 1,5 milioni - Movieplayer.it #sean #connery #auto #personale #james #bond #allasta #movieplayerit #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3Mvc2Vhbi1jb25uZXJ5LWF1dG8tcGVyc29uYWxlLWphbWVzLWJvbmQtYXN0YV8xMTM0MDMv
#31maggio #movieplayerit #allasta #bond #james #personale #auto #Connery #sean