Content scraping will be replaced by , but the practice will not change. Going forwad chose wisely who you pay via
RT @priyashmita
1. I don't know who he is. He is not even on my contact list, which means they did contact scraping of his phone to get my number.
2. If I was their guarantor or ref check, how did they not check with me before giving the loan?
If I make Ambani my guaranto…

#accountaggregator #UPI #privacy #ConsentWashing

Last updated 2 years ago

ASA too will have to maintain logs for 2 + 5 = 7 years.

Missed a key point on consent. Unless explicitly opted-out, you have presumed to have consented to modified purpose!!!

This is by regulation

#ConsentWashing #AutoTickBox

Last updated 4 years ago