Exciting work from Chloe Mikles' undergraduate thesis is finally out in
conservation genetics! Chloe sequenced whole genome sequences from 39 Song Sparrows in the San Francisco Bay Area
to explore the genetic basis of local adaptation and adaptive capacity among the 5 subspecies
found in the region.
Evolutionary divergence and adaptive capacity in morphologically distinct song sparrow subspecies
#ornithology #ConservationGenomics #sparrows #saltmarshes
A highly contiguous genome assembly for the Steller's jay (Cyanocitta stelleri):
The latest high quality genome resource from the California Conservation Genomics Project.
Now online at Journal of Heredity: https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esad042
#ornithology #genome #Genomics #ConservationGenomics
For more on global indicators see work by @geobon & https://www.coalitionforconservationgenetics.org/ #biodiversity #ConservationGenomics
#biodiversity #ConservationGenomics
Join us for the next #MeeGene talk @Leibniz_LIB. We are happy to host Deborah M. Leigh from WSL Umweltforschung, Birmensdorf (CH), on Tuesday 23.05.2023 at 15h CET to hear about โGenetic diversity in the Anthropoceneโ. Register at meegene@leibniz-lib.de. #biodiversity #ConservationGenomics
#MeeGene #biodiversity #ConservationGenomics
A highly contiguous genome assembly for the California quail (Callipepla californica): https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esad008
1 of the over 150 high quality genome assemblies being generated by the California Conservation Genomics Project.
Photo courtesy of Jackie Childers
#ornithology #genome #Genomics #ConservationGenomics
RT @MRossettoEvoEco
Would you like to join the Research Centre for Ecosystem Resilience team @RBGSydney ? Applications for roles aimed at early-career researchers close this Sunday! https://recer.org.au/opportunities/
#ReCER #conservationgenomics #ecologicalrestoration #nativeflora #biodiversitymanagement
#recer #ConservationGenomics #ecologicalrestoration #nativeflora #biodiversitymanagement
We are grateful to the Natural History Museum - Tring and
the Zoology Museum in Cambridge for providing historical samples. To Nature Seychelles for assistance on the original collection of modern samples. To MSCActions, GrundforskFond, DefraGovUK, ELSA and dgeci for funding 7/7 #Museomics #EvolutionaryBiology #conservationgenomics
#Museomics #EvolutionaryBiology #ConservationGenomics
My first #GTseq (Genotyping in Thousands by sequencing) protocol optimization. This is a #PCR based protocol that amplifies hundreds of target loci. The goal is to include in a single PCR reaction as much primer pairs as possible while minimising primer interactions and maximising target loci amplification. Each locus contains known #SNPs. The optimised GTseq panel will be used for population #GeneticMonitoring of the #endangered ๐๐บ๐ฃ๐ฐ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ต๐ฉ๐ถ๐ด ๐ข๐ฎ๐ข๐ณ๐ถ๐ด. More species coming. #ConservationGenomics
#gtseq #pcr #SNPs #geneticmonitoring #endangered #ConservationGenomics
Excited to share recently accepted review by Rauri Bowie and I in J. Heredity. We discuss how the DNA from millions of #specimens in #MuseumCollections can illuminate past population responses to anthropogenic change and uniquely inform a host of #conservation #genomics questions.
For advance access article. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esac066
Look for this review along with many other exciting #ConservationGenomics papers in a special issue edited by @KZ_UTAustin appearing in J. Heredity next year.
#specimens #museumcollections #conservation #Genomics #ConservationGenomics
@mrtnj How about #ConservationGenomics or #AnimalGenomics or #PopulationGenomics ?
#ConservationGenomics #AnimalGenomics #PopulationGenomics
Not sure if I should ask here or the other instance... : Does anyone here use strelka2 for variant calling? I love how it have its own python script to write the regional parallelization for you and can run really fast but starting to wonder why it is not used more in the #ConservationGenomics or #AnimalGenetics as opposed to GATK HaplotypeCaller.
#ConservationGenomics #animalgenetics #Genomics #WGS #Bioinfomatics #compBio #PopulationGenomics
PhD position available at Lund University on conservation genomics of orchids in Sweden. Apply here: https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:557391/type:job/where:4/apply:1
#PhDposition #ConservationGenomics #RADseq #PopGen #orchids