Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
278 followers · 34 posts · Server
Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
236 followers · 31 posts · Server

3. Drayton: Nature's government: Science, imperialism and the “improvement” of the world
A great historical study which looks at the links between the field of , , and . Drayton argues that such science was intrinsically useful to colonial expansion, guiding the exploitation of exotic environments as well as making conquest seem necessary, legitimate, and beneficial.


#botany #imperialism #ConservationHumanities #histodon #environmentaljustice #colonialism #intellectualhistory #biodiversity #environmentalprotection #history #philosophy #academicmastodon #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
235 followers · 30 posts · Server

2. Weik von Mossner: Moving environments: Affect, Emotion, Ecology, and Film.
A collection of essays from a range of international scholars investigating how films portray human emotional relationships with the more-than-human world and how such films act upon their viewers’ emotions.


#ConservationHumanities #filmstudies #politicalphilosophy #academicmastodon #environmentaljustice #biodiversity #histodons #environmentalprotection #history #media #philosophy

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
235 followers · 29 posts · Server

Interested in learning more about the ? Here are three great books that will get you started with this emerging field:

1. Paige West: is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea
A great read for those interested in . This book focuses on the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, the site of a biodiversity conservation project in . West reveals how changing configurations of ideas, actions, and material relations would eventually drive project workers to unwittingly embody the role of government, and ultimately lead to the project's failure.


#ConservationHumanities #academicmastodon #philosophy #politicalecology #environmentaljustice #biodiversity #histodons #environmentalprotection #history #politicalphilosophy #conservation #papuanewguinea #anthropology

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
235 followers · 30 posts · Server

Interested in learning more about the ? Here are three great books that will get you started with this emerging field:

1. Paige West: is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea

In this book West focuses on the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, the site of a biodiversity conservation project in . She shows that the failure of the project came down to a profound disconnect between the goals of the project’s NGO workers and Gimi people who lived in the area. West reveals how every aspect of the projects was socially produced, created by changing configurations of ideas, actions, and material relations.

A great read for those interested in . đź”—:


#politicalecology #biodiversity #academicmastodon #climatejustice #ConservationHumanities #conservation #papuanewguinea #environmentaljustice

Last updated 2 years ago