Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
808 followers · 5908 posts · Server

I get the most heat when I state truths that are obvious yet inconvenient to thuggish conservatives who came from poverty, like "growing up rich is better than growing up poor" or "you should give your woman a ring that's valuable". Like, this is basic stuff, not hard. 🤔

#Conservatives #conservatism #society #self #thoughts

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
807 followers · 5828 posts · Server

I watched Donald Trump's latest video, and it's worse than I thought: this man is promising to end birthright citizenship by presidential decree.

Uh...he does know doesn't he, that this is blatantly illegal? That we have things called "laws" and a "constitution" in this country that don't allow him to do any such thing? It would seem not. 1/?

#politics #thoughts #Conservatives #conservatism #authoritarianism #citizenship #immigration #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
807 followers · 5824 posts · Server

I wake up, turn on Newsmax, and see conservatives whining about how people who are born here are citizens. Whatever happened to "rules are rules, even if it's a *minor inconvenience* to you"? That's what they sneered at me when they mistreated me throughout my childhood...

Painting is "The Irritating Gentleman" by Berthold Woltze.

#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #Conservatives #authoritarianism #conservatism #hypocrisy #politics #society #thoughts #self

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
807 followers · 5824 posts · Server

I wake up, turn on Newsmax, and see conservatives whining about how people who are born here are citizens. Whatever happened to "rules are rules, even if it's a *minor inconvenience* to you"? That's what they sneered at me when they mistreated me throughout my childhood...

#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #Conservatives #authoritarianism #conservatism #hypocrisy #politics #society #thoughts #self

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
799 followers · 5781 posts · Server

I now regularly encounter conservatives who defend imprisoning librarians for doing their jobs, based on nothing more than defamatory bald-faced lies about their behavior. Seems the American Right are getting more and more depraved with each passing month...

#politics #thoughts #libraries #librarians #Conservatives

Last updated 1 year ago

Baloo Uriza · @BalooUriza
824 followers · 11428 posts · Server

Hahah, nazifurcon got hacked. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

#FFA #Republican #Conservatives #Furry #antifascism

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
738 followers · 5103 posts · Server

Conservatives act all outraged that young people are anti-American ingrates, yet whenever I bring up how many of our people can't even afford a crummy little studio apartment they reply they don't deserve one...and people are supposed to *love* a country that does that to them!?

#Conservatives #twitter #birdsite #society #economy #poverty #housing #america #politics #patriotism #thoughts

Last updated 1 year ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
625 followers · 4100 posts · Server

TBH a big reason I feel the way I do about conservatives is because the sort of people who tend to be conservatives have, since *early childhood*, been a wildly disproportionately large fraction of the numerous people who just hate me personally for no discernible reason. 🤔

Ivan Kramskoy's "Portrait of a Woman".

#Conservatives #politics #self #thoughts #art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
625 followers · 4099 posts · Server

This is interesting. I literally told a straight honest-to-goodness fact about political discourse as I saw it, not even trying to make a point against conservatives, yet in return I get nothing but ridicule and personal insults by one of these people.

#Conservatives #politics #twitter #birdsite #self #thoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Ta :mastodon: a · @tama
20 followers · 34 posts · Server

doing what do, punitive punishment for parents who can't afford to send their kids to school instead of funding initiatives that put food in their stomachs and shoes on their feet.

#luxon #Conservatives #nzpol #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
571 followers · 3789 posts · Server

Unlike just 20 years ago, we can't even visit *Canada* without a passport, and the border is far more militarized than ever before. Yet the Right all believe we live under an "open borders consensus" (the thread below from birdsite is a *very* typical example of conservatives' "thinking"). That's out of touch with objective reality to the point of psychosis.

#politics #immigration #Conservatives #conservatism #thoughts #twitter #birdsite #borders #openborders

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

Nothing to see here, just your average everyday conservative who thinks forcing women to drown in their own blood is *funny*. I get these sort of replies all the time from rightists; sadism seems to be core to the conservative character, the sole animus behind their politics.

#twitter #birdsite #politics #thoughts #conservatism #Conservatives

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

Get a load of this one: a reply that literally expresses the thought "bullying is good" whines about me saying that's what conservatives believe because...uh, reasons? All I can figure is it must be discomfort at being exposed for what they truly are.

#Conservatives #politics #society #thoughts #twitter #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server
Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

Sure, there are a few good exceptions, and it's not like the center-left are saints of anti-bullying (my block list attests to that), but here's the rub: I don't see liberals routinely say "bullying is good". 🤔

Image is "Portrait of a Woman" by Ivan Kramskoy.

#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #children #Conservatives #politics #society #thoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

Some of said human garbage masquerades as "libertarian", but it's really the same thing. This specimen thinks I only oppose bullying because I'm a "nerd", and he thinks that's *funny*. This is the kind of behavior conservatives accept and even promote within their movement.

#Conservatives #politics #society #thoughts #twitter #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

Say what you want about home education, but it's the only way to be sure people like this "teacher" won't be overseeing your kids day in and day out in bullies' natural habitats. Please, try to keep your kids out of the schools.

Painting is by Frederick Leighton.

#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #motherandchild #children #Conservatives #politics #society #thoughts #twitter #birdsite #education #homeschooling

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

The longer I live the more I become convinced that conservatives are just human garbage. Consider that they generally believe bullying is *good*. Yes, really. This recent example from a *teacher* (!) is striking, but I see the same sentiment time and again from these people.

#Conservatives #politics #society #thoughts #twitter #birdsite

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

A good example of the gaslighting conservatives do every day: I read them constantly criticize women for any choice they make (almost as if their choices aren't the motive for their criticism...), and then they say an example you can literally see upthread is imaginary! 🤦‍♀️

#twitter #birdsite #Conservatives #politics #gaslighting #lies

Last updated 2 years ago

Adamas Nemesis · @adamasnemesis
570 followers · 3787 posts · Server

I was pretty sure they were going to chip away at Roe vs Wade until it was a dead letter but without ever explicitly overruling precedent or giving pro-choicers a flashpoint to rally around, so I'm kinda surprised Alito et alia want to overtly end Roe vs Wade in toto.

Image is Charles Amable Lenoir's "Reflective Thoughts"

#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #politics #thoughts #SCOTUS #Conservatives #abortion #courts #law #freedom #rights #liberty

Last updated 2 years ago