@NationCymru Drakeford made that point about trade-offs because ultimately the Welsh budget is decided in Westminster. He can shift cash from one pot to another but that's all. The Westminster government could, if it chose to, increase the budget by raising taxes and/or borrowing. Which is an entirely different trade-off that goes against current government dogma. Nelson must surely be aware of this but I guess he hopes we'll fall for his simplistic take on it. #ConservativesOut
Background heaters kept the house at 14c last night. They cost £1.07 an hour. How can anyone afford to live like this? #ConservativesOut
RT @mywonderfulbest: Only #pritipatel could dream up the idea of sending migrants heading to the UK, to Rwanda - a country which less that a generation ago, had 100k people macheted to death #Immigration #ConservativesOut
#pritipatel #immigration #ConservativesOut