…creditworthiness “assessments must be made on financially relevant data and cannot include personally sensitive information, such as health data”
RT @beuc@twitter.com
Consumers will get much-needed extra protections when taking out a loan thanks to an agreement struck today by EU negotiators on the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Our reaction and what it will mean for consumers 👉 https://www.beuc.eu/press-releases/consumers-get-much-needed-extra-protections-when-taking-out-loan
Consumers will get much-needed extra protections when taking out a loan thanks to an agreement struck today by EU negotiators on the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Our reaction and what it will mean for consumers 👉 https://www.beuc.eu/press-releases/consumers-get-much-needed-extra-protections-when-taking-out-loan
EU negotiators meeting today to strike a deal on the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Here's what's needed to ensure it works for consumers (who's on board? 🙋):
☑️ Include all forms of credit and leave no loopholes for deferred debit cards, connected goods or BigTech companies
To ensure strong consumer protection and a level-playing field among creditors, BigTech must not benefit from a loophole in the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Our recommendations: https://www.beuc.eu/position-papers/consumer-credit-directive-beuc-recommendations-trilogue
To ensure strong consumer protection and a level-playing field among creditors, BigTech must not benefit from a loophole in the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Our recommendations: https://www.beuc.eu/position-papers/consumer-credit-directive-beuc-recommendations-trilogue
EU legislators want deferred payments of an invoice (e.g. to pay a hospital bill ) to be exempted from the #ConsumerCreditDirective. This makes sense.
Occasions like #BlackFriday can push people to consume things they don't necessarily want/need, facilitated by all too easy 'Buy Now Pay Later' credit schemes. Luckily they'll soon be regulated in the #ConsumerCreditDirective but...BigTech might be exempted. Here's the story 🧵
#blackfriday #ConsumerCreditDirective
Good news for consumers in Ireland where a cap has just been introduced on consumer credit for the 1st time. High-cost credit providers can now charge max. 1% per week.The 🇪🇺 should follow 🇮🇪's lead an introduce EU-wide cap in the #ConsumerCreditDirective: https://www.ccpc.ie/business/ccpc-welcomes-commencement-of-consumer-credit-amendment-act-2022/
RT @dreynders: Happy to kick off the trilogue on the #ConsumerCreditDirective, improving consumer information & protection against the risks of new and potentially harmful products and practices will remain our key objective in the current inflation context @europarl_en @Konecna_K @zajicekjaro
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EP_SingleMarket/status/1570696916744413186
RT @dreynders: Happy to kick off the trilogue on the #ConsumerCreditDirective, improving consumer information & protection against the risks of new and potentially harmful products and practices will remain our key objective in the current inflation context @europarl_en @Konecna_K @zajicekjaro
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Consumer/status/1570682513638707201
RT @dreynders: Happy to kick off the trilogue on the #ConsumerCreditDirective, improving consumer information & protection against the risks of new and potentially harmful products and practices will remain our key objective in the current inflation context @europarl_en @Konecna_K @zajicekjaro
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anna_cavazzini/status/1570441818608701440
Happy to kick off the trilogue on the #ConsumerCreditDirective, improving consumer information & protection against the risks of new and potentially harmful products and practices will remain our key objective in the current inflation context @europarl_en @Konecna_K @zajicekjaro
Deswegen dürfen Geldgeber*innen nur relevante Informationen für die Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung verwenden. Finanzielle Informationen? Ja. Konten in den sozialen Medien, Gesundheitsdaten, Sexualleben? Alles, selbstverständlich nein! #Verbraucherschutz #ConsumerCreditDirective
#Verbraucherschutz #ConsumerCreditDirective
Sich Geld zu leihen kostet Geld–aber wer sich Geld leihen muss, hat meistens zu wenig davon. Deswegen brauchen wir für die Kreditvergabe klare Regeln, die besonders junge Menschen vor Überschuldung schützen. Gleich stimmen wir im #IMCO 🇪🇺Auschuss ab. #ConsumerCreditDirective #CCD
#IMCO #ConsumerCreditDirective #CCD
2/ Wir brauchen Bonitätsprüfungen bei ALLEN Verbraucher*innenkrediten. Das ist unser Schlüssel zur Bekämpfung von #Überschuldung. Deswegen mache ich mich im 🇪🇺-Parlament dafür stark, insbesondere arme Menschen vor Raubkrediten zu schützen.🛡 #ConsumerCreditDirective @beuc
#Überschuldung #ConsumerCreditDirective
RT @beuc: Vulnerable consumers need strong protection against over-indebtedness. This means sound creditworthiness assessment & small loans in the scope of the #ConsumerCreditDirective. Voting yesterday, @EP_Economics failed to support a strong CCD but not too late for @EP_SingleMarket!
RT @FinInclusionEU: German Webinar Event to discuss the proposals on the Consumer Credit Directive.
Taking place NOW! 26th April, 11AM CET.
Join in our discussion: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ksmbgy-9SdODndLzqvAvlg
@iff_hamburg @galleerie @GreensEFA @Leuner16 @beuc @kaeltebus