#RegulatoryStandards for #SVB were too low, the #supervision of S.V.B. did not work with sufficient force and urgency, and #contagion from the firm’s failure posed #systemic consequences not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s tailoring framework,” Mr. #Barr wrote in a letter accompanying the report."
#regulatorystandards #svb #supervision #Contagion #systemic #barr
Once again the word #contagion sums up the concerns in the #banking sector, leading many to wonder about the role of #socialmedia in spreading negative sentiment about specific banks & the financial sector more widely...
You may think bankers & other #finaincialservcies professions claim their astronomical levels of pay because they are sophisticated readers of the market situation & have deep insights... given they can be swayed by rumours & conjectures on social media you may be wrong!
#Contagion #banking #socialmedia #finaincialservcies
Frontline always does a good job with its scores; #CoronavirusPandemic (2020) is no exception. What was most notable to me were the echoes of the music from #Contagion. Have a listen to the opening of the 2011 films and its low eerie soundscape, then listen to the background of the documentary. I do not think the similarities were coincidental!
#PandemicMusic #pandemic #music #PandemicFilms #IHaveAList #StudentProjects #TeachingJoys
#Coronaviruspandemic #Contagion #pandemicmusic #pandemic #music #pandemicfilms #ihavealist #studentprojects #teachingjoys
That "no zombies" clause is paying off in my Pandemic and Music class.
Perhaps the most teachable of all the films out there is #Contagion -- the score is interesting but also "easy and obvious" as it marks, for instance, the moments when touch-based transmission happens at the start of the film. The students were also drawn to the prom scene -- something this group never had on their own
#PandemicMusic #pandemic #music #PandemicFilms #Contagion #IHaveAList #StudentProjects #TeachingJoys
#Contagion #pandemicmusic #pandemic #music #pandemicfilms #ihavealist #studentprojects #teachingjoys
#OperaComique (#SlowFoodManifesto) motto:-
"May suitable doses of guaranteed #sensual pleasure and slow, long-lasting #enjoyment preserve us from the #contagion of the multitude who mistake #frenzy for #efficiency."
#efficiency #frenzy #Contagion #enjoyment #sensual #slowfoodmanifesto #operacomique
Just hit submit on the final rounds of edits for an article on #Disability, #Contagion, and the #Gothic in #Edgeworth and #Scott #IrishStudies #ScottishStudies #DisabilityStudies #MedicalHumanities
#disability #Contagion #gothic #edgeworth #scott #irishstudies #scottishstudies #disabilitystudies #MedicalHumanities
#Contagion #2020
🔗 https://youtu.be/DzGeudlOAPQ
"[...] Leben retten, indem man einfach nur zuhause bleibt [...]" es war noch nie so einfach, ein Held zu sein!
Aber nein... die trotzigen erwachsenen Kinder müssen sich gegen jede Regel auflehnen, und die Medien bieten ihnen auch noch eine Bühne.
"[...] umzingelt von Idioten [...]"
🔗 https://social.anon-groups.de/@amaz1ng/107469518843355330
#Leerdenker #querdenker #Contagion