🔗 “Cropping Images with CSS While Keeping a Focal Point in the Center” by @johannes
#image #webperf #css #ContainerQueries
🔗 “Cropping Images with CSS While Keeping a Focal Point in the Center” by @johannes
#image #webperf #css #ContainerQueries
First time playing around with #ContainerQueries, and wow being able to set font size proportionally to card size with a couple lines of CSS is 🤯
This example is from my portfolio site I'm redesigning:
.card {
container-type: inline-size;
@container (min-width: 500px) {
.card .title {
font-size: 8cqmin;
First time playing around with #ContainerQueries, and wow being able to set font size proportionally to card size with a couple lines of CSS is 🤯
This example is from my portfolio site I'm redesigning, which has a grid of project cards in varying sizes:
.card {
container-type: inline-size;
@container (min-width: 500px) {
.card .title {
font-size: 8cqmin;
#css #containerqueries @jensimmons @LeaVerou
There is no this/self using #containerqueries? What a pity. @bramus
.mycontainer { container-name: mycontainer);
@container mycontainer (min-width: 700px) {
$self / $this {
⚪️ On Container Queries, Responsive Images, and JPEG-XL
by Jason Grigsby @grigs @grigs at @CloudFour
#containerqueries #images #webdev #responsive
#ContainerQueries #images #webdev #responsive
@nicod totalement ! Je te conseille fortement de consulter la démo de @Una
https://codepen.io/una/pen/mdOgyVL . Sur des interfaces à base de cartes ça fonctionne particulièrement bien. Très efficace pour écrire un seul composant qui s'adapte en fonction de son contenu.
#ContainerQueries #DefensiveCSS #ResilientCSS #ResponsiveToTheContainer
#responsivetothecontainer #resilientcss #defensivecss #ContainerQueries
#100DaysOfCode : #HTML #CSS #VanillaJS seulement !
#Day3 : Effet de défausse et #ContainerQueries
Le projet est à retrouver sur : https://teotimepacreau.github.io/Discarding-effect-and-container-queries-Day3-of-100DaysOfCode/
Code source : https://github.com/teotimepacreau/Discarding-effect-and-container-queries-Day3-of-100DaysOfCode
Goals :
- enabling dynamic and adaptive styling with container queries
- border-radius container handle images thanks to "overflow: hidden"
- discarding effect with translateX + rotate + scale
#WebDev #Frontend #WebDesign #CodingChallenge #Javascript #LearnToCode #CodingDay #FrontendDevelopment
#frontenddevelopment #codingday #learntocode #javascript #codingchallenge #webdesign #frontend #webdev #ContainerQueries #day3 #vanillajs #css #html #100daysofcode
@heydon How does the use of #ContainerQueries impact (or not) techniques from EveryLayout.dev?
#ContainerQueries landed in all major browsers: Safari 16, Firefox 110, Chrome 105!
Mixing #ContainerQueries, #Typography, #Clamp and #ContainerQueriesUnits from @fonts → "Our text will never get too big or too small and if a dev throws that paragraph into a sidebar or a card or something then our text will always look good."
"what hundreds of lines of CSS hacks could be cut down to with container queries:
p {
font-size: clamp(1rem, 2.5cqw, 2rem);
line-height: clamp(1.35rem, 3.5cqw, 1.9rem);
#resilientcss #defensivecss #css #containerqueriesunits #clamp #typography #ContainerQueries
Firefox 110 will be released on February 14th, for all Container Queries lovers! 🥰
#ContainerQueries #css #firefox
Firefox 110 will be released on February 14th, for all Container Queries lovers! 🥰
{% caniuse "css-container-queries" %}
#ContainerQueries #css #firefox
Container Queries přicházejí - https://www.vzhurudolu.cz/prirucka/container-queries
#webdev #css #containerQueries
#webdev #css #ContainerQueries
#css #containerqueries #customproperies #nesting.
All of these not make #CSS easier to read and understand. #CSS becomes much more specific and needs much more understanding. So nothing for sissies (correct englisch word?)
#css #ContainerQueries #customproperies #nesting
Container queries, people! Is THE SHIT! …but quite fiddly❤️🎉🥳
◾️ A Few Times Container Size Queries Would Have Helped Me Out
by Dan Christofi on @css
#ContainerQueries #CSS #webdev
#ContainerQueries #css #webdev
Last time we highlighted all the cool features enabled by #DesignToken ... this time we shine some light on #ContainerQueries. One of the most exciting new features of the #opensource release. There were a couple of articles lately, e.g. from @brad_frost or Dan Donald
#opensource #ContainerQueries #DesignToken