New School contingent faculty are on strike and The Illuminator project joined them on the picket line. What, indeed, would James Baldwin do?
#Baldwin #newschoool #ContingentFaculty #adjuncts #academicmastodon
#academicmastodon #adjuncts #ContingentFaculty #newschoool #baldwin
…I don’t think my current #IntroToReligion #students should foot the bill, either. They benefit, but indirectly and over time. Arguably my upper-level students? But that seems a disproportionate burden. My #work aims to help the #Church and the world. And #helping the world is part of my employer’s reason for existing, right? Education? #ReligiousLiteracy and all that? So how OUGHT the funding work, for scholars like me? Current system seems wrong & is demonstrably unjust (cf #ContingentFaculty
#IntroToReligion #students #work #church #helping #ReligiousLiteracy #ContingentFaculty