Timo Tiuraniemi · @ttiurani
490 followers · 536 posts · Server fosstodon.org


Hello to all the new people joining the Fediverse! I'm a activist programmer from .

I try to toot interesting things related to about / / , from the perspective of / / . I'm one tiny part of .

I build / / and using and will write more about that soon.

Third, occasionally , .

#introduction #helsinki #activism #climatechange #climatecrisis #EarthBreakdown #degrowth #climatejustice #sustainability #extinctionrebellion #foss #opensource #commons #ConvivialSoftware #rust #philosophy #anticapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Not sure you were given what we've written below, but have you heard the term .

It describes a cuulture shift away from .

Anyway, we thought why not combine '' with '' to get, ?

Again though its not sexy, not a pun (those are gold) but its something to consider as an option.

#convivialSufficiency #consumptionism #convivial #software #ConvivialSoftware

Last updated 4 years ago

(Sidenote, we tend to bomb countries that vote on policies, rather than elected reps, but we digress)

(Bitcoin is a layer one currency, heat from which can be used democratically/ubiquitously in storage , or underfloor etc. The important thing now is to begin to identify the LayerTwo currency, that will be more liquid.)

Anyway TooBigToExist as the current crop of plutocrats, so fully support idea of .


@jordan31@theres.life @evelynyap

#waterHeaters #CommunalSoftware #ConvivialSoftware

Last updated 4 years ago