Drinking tea and doing math to account for the amount to last year's black figs I need to process https://www.seedtopantry.com/2015/08/20/fig-jam-with-anise-recipe/ #CookingClub #confiture
Made some delicious red velvet cookies!
#BakingIt #Cookies #CookingClub
#CookingClub #Cookies #bakingit
Heading into the kitchen for a bit.
(Hmmm... a voice-based Mastodon client...)
AND my new fry pan just showed up! #listeningclub #cookingclub #cupsrunnethover
#listeningclub #CookingClub #cupsrunnethover
AND my new fry pan just showed up! #listeningclub #cookingclub #cupsrunnethover
#listeningclub #CookingClub #cupsrunnethover