Is the hashtag for the Vic new build electricity thing conspiracy theorists #CookingWithGas?
“Nitrogen dioxide levels during the first experiment, while the kitchen had no ventilation, peaked at just over 500ppb.
“The researchers stressed this scenario was unlikely to reflect the actual risk of gas stoves, because most people turned on the range hood or popped some windows open while cooking…
“When kitchen doors were opened, nitrogen dioxide levels in the room peaked at about 116ppb — still higher than the outdoor air quality standard.”
#AirQuality #CookingWithGas #Asthma
#airquality #CookingWithGas #asthma
#Beckysphere gives a respectful cogent response to the #cookingwithgas trolls on why the rest of the world is moving on as fast as we can. #climatechange
#beckysphere #CookingWithGas #climatechange
They’re counting on you to think, “Well, if #CookingWithGas is so dangerous ⚠️💀, why hasn’t anyone said anything before?”
(See also: #Cigarettes, #ClimateChange, #Asthma, #Lead, #AirPollution)
#airpollution #lead #asthma #climatechange #cigarettes #CookingWithGas
#CookingWithGas #NaturalGas #Gas #Cooking #InductionStoves #ElectricStoves #Stoves #Environment #Health
#CookingWithGas #naturalgas #gas #cooking #inductionstoves #electricstoves #stoves #environment #health
What to Know About the Risks of Gas Stoves and Appliances
#Cooking #Foodie #Food #CookingWithGas #Induction #InductionCooking #FromScratch
#fromscratch #inductioncooking #induction #CookingWithGas #food #foodie #cooking
RT @rebleber
I was interested in gas stoves in 2020, when I was startled that the gas industry was paying instagram influencers to promote #cookingwithgas.
I didn't understand why the industry cared about stoves enough to market them
Ever heard of electric induction stoves? A simply better and more efficient technology which doesn't poison the air in your home. please consider having on some great science communicators such as or
We found that 12.7% (95% CI = 6.3–19.3%) of current childhood asthma in the US is attributable to gas stove use.
#CookingWithGas #Food #Foodie #FoodPrep #HomeCook #FoodWays #FoodSafety
#foodsafety #foodways #homecook #foodprep #foodie #food #CookingWithGas