@nadinestorying Unrelated but on topic, I just posted alt text regarding the movie, #CoolHandLuke, referencing the power of the individual to fight against injustice, win or lose, thus inspiring others.
Any one person can be a spark that ignites positive change.
@uspolitics The #ManWithNoEyes approves.
#slaverybyanothername #CoolHandLuke #manwithnoeyes
New from Solzy at the Movies: Cool Hand Luke Arrives On 4K Ultra HD
#CoolHandLuke #film #movies #classicfilm #PhysicalMedia
#physicalmedia #classicfilm #Movies #Film #CoolHandLuke
My absolute favorite.
The moment of triumph in this episode is one of the best in TV history. It alone makes #Andor rank above #TheMandalorian - because it doesn't so heavily rely on bacon-flavored sprinkles of nostalgia to enhance itself. #StarWars is just the background... yet it doesn't dismiss the source material in the same way many felt #LastJedi did.
This episode arc is like a miniature #ShawshankRedemption / #CoolHandLuke. #PowerDoesntPanic
#powerdoesntpanic #CoolHandLuke #ShawshankRedemption #lastjedi #starwars #themandalorian #andor