Cooper’s Hawk In The Garden Today
Our regular visitor, a Cooper’s Hawk, enjoys the birdbath as it often does on hot days. Based on the size, this is probably a male. The females are much larger and it is easy to discern the difference when seen together.
#coopershawk #hawk #bird #wildlife #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #video #tiktok #podcast #show
#CoopersHawk #hawk #bird #wildlife #losangeles #california #nature #outdoors #video #tiktok #podcast #show
Striking Out on Its Own
#CoopersHawk #ImmatureBird #Raptor #Predator #BirdOfPrey #Birds
#birds #birdofprey #predator #raptor #immaturebird #CoopersHawk
@rosemarymosco I propose "weird digital zoom artifacts" as another 2nd column entry
This #CoopersHawk, Accipiter Cooperii, was watching me inch closer as it was perched on a Spruce tree branch in my backyard waiting for unsuspecting birds, mice or squirrels.
Cooper's Hawk In Predator Mode available here
#hawk #raptor #BirdOfPrey #WildlifeWednesday #nature #wildlife #BirdsOfMastodon #MastoBirds #BirdWatching
#CoopersHawk #hawk #raptor #birdofprey #wildlifewednesday #nature #wildlife #birdsofmastodon #mastobirds #birdwatching
Looked out my bedroom window this afternoon and saw a Cooper's Hawk sitting on my fence, maybe 5' away. Unfortunately, the bird flew away before I could grab my phone to take a picture. Beautiful coloring.
#SantaFe #NewMexico #CoopersHawk
Here is a picture of a Cooper's Hawk from the internet. The dove/beige chest, gray feathering, and smallish eyes were all evident.
Photo courtesy of #SantaFeNewMexican
#santafenewmexican #CoopersHawk #newmexico #santafe
The Coopers Hawk is a frequent visitor to my backyard in #Guelph #Ontario Canada, and silently sits perched in the Spruce tree swiveling its head to watch the unsuspecting birds and squirrels.
Available here
#CoopersHawk #hawk #raptor #BirdOfPrey #birds #BirdLover #BirdArt #BirdPhotography #wildlife #nature #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #SpringForArt #WildlifePhotography #NatureLover #animal #predator #ArtForSale #photography MastoBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #MastoArt #FediArt
#guelph #ontario #CoopersHawk #hawk #raptor #birdofprey #birds #birdlover #birdart #birdphotography #wildlife #nature #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #springforart #wildlifephotography #naturelover #animal #predator #artforsale #photography #birdsofmastodon #mastoart #fediart
Who are you picking in the big game?
#birds #birdofprey #hawk #CoopersHawk
Passed by this beauty on my walk to work this morning—just across the street from History Nebraska. A Cooper’s hawk, I think?
#CoopersHawk #hawk #birds #birdID
#CoopersHawk #hawk #birds #birdID
Coopers Hawk stopped by to say hello today. I really love living right beside thousands of acres of preserved mountains. It’s not uncommon to see deer, hawks, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and all sorts of wildlife right here in the neighborhood.
#birdwatching #photography #CoopersHawk #nature #suburbanlife
#birdwatching #photography #CoopersHawk #nature #suburbanlife
One way to keep the #squirrels away from your #birdfeeding setup. Keeps the other birds away, too.
#birdsOfMastodon #birds #CoopersHawk #hawk
#hawk #CoopersHawk #Birds #birdsofmastodon #birdfeeding #squirrels
One way to keep the #squirrels away from your #birdfeeding setup. Keeps the other birds away, too.
#birdsOfMastodon #birds #CoopersHawk #hawk
#hawk #CoopersHawk #Birds #birdsofmastodon #birdfeeding #squirrels
It was either waiting for the Darwin Award winner or it was the Darwin Award winner.
Accipiter cooperii: Cooper's Hawk Taken 1.19.22
#Birds #Hawks #CoopersHawk #Nature #Wildlife #NaturePhotography #Photo #Animals #BirdsOfPrey
#birdsofprey #animals #photo #naturephotography #wildlife #nature #CoopersHawk #hawks #birds
Cooper’s Hawk at Evans Parkway Neighborhood Park, Montgomery County, MD, USA #FotoMontag #Birding #BirdPhotography #CoopersHawk
#CoopersHawk #birdphotography #birding #Fotomontag
Gorgeous Cooper’s hawk in my cypress tree today!
#CoopersHawk #raptors #hawks
I startled a ground squirrel while looking for something that was chirping in a fenced-off area of a park with a pair of transmission towers.
The squirrel hid, but this hawk - which I suspect was looking for the squirrel - flew out and perched on the fence for a few minutes before flying up to one of the lower struts on the nearer tower.
#photo #birds #nature #hawk #CoopersHawk