Well, the ending is different and is actually the best change in this version. I'm not sure it's better than the original; I'll be rewatching that very soon as a palate cleanser after this mess.
It's my fault for getting my hopes up that it would be good and clearly better than #Redux.
It is neither.
It looks and sounds great, but #Coppola's self-indulgence once again ruins one of his best movies; one of the all-time greats in all cinema.
#apocalypsenowthefinalcut #Coppola #redux
It's official, the original theatrical release is the far superior version of all I've seen.
#FinalCut also has the useless and thoroughly unbelievable interlude in the #French plantation as #Redux (possibly edited differently).
#Coppola really wants to make a point that he already made in 1979.
The music is also bad. I'll finish it though, I'm going all the way into this heart of crapness.
#apocalypsenow #Coppola #redux #french #finalcut
some #film that changed how I saw the world pt 2
Francis Ford #Coppola: Apocalypse Now
Andrei #Tarkovsky: Stalker; Solaris (and with that Denis #Villeneuve: Arrival)
Jean-Pierre #Jeunet: Amélie
Gabriel #Axel: Babette's Feast
Alain #Corneau: Tous les Matins du Monde
#Satyajit #Ray: Pather Panchali
Béla #Tarr: Sátántangó
Stanley #Kubrick: 2001
Ingmar #Bergman: The Seventh Seal
#bergman #kubrick #tarr #ray #satyajit #corneau #axel #jeunet #villeneuve #tarkovsky #Coppola #Film
Arisa amareggiata da Vito Coppola confessa: `Rinuncio all`amore` - Il Vicolo delle News #arisa #amareggiata #vito #coppola #confessa #rinuncio #allamore #vicolo #news #18agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWx2aWNvbG9kZWxsZW5ld3MuaXQvdGVtcG8tbGliZXJvL2dvc3NpcHBhbmRvL2FyaXNhLWFtYXJlZ2dpYXRhLWRhLXZpdG8tY29wcG9sYS1jb25mZXNzYS1yaW51bmNpby1hbGxhbW9yZV8zNTM1Njgv
#18agosto #news #vicolo #allamore #rinuncio #confessa #Coppola #vito #amareggiata #arisa
Arisa e Vito Coppola, storia al capolinea: lui dice addio all`Italia - Altranotizia.it #arisa #vito #coppola #storia #capolinea #addio #allitalia #altranotiziait #21luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWx0cmFub3RpemlhLml0LzIwMjIvMDcvMjEvc3BldHRhY29sby9hcmlzYS1lLXZpdG8tY29wcG9sYS1zdG9yaWEtYWwtY2Fwb2xpbmVhLWx1aS1kaWNlLWFkZGlvLWFsbGl0YWxpYS8=
#21luglio #altranotiziait #allitalia #addio #capolinea #storia #Coppola #vito #arisa
Vito Coppola lascia l`Italia: la reazione (strappalacrime) di Arisa - TiPiu.com #vito #coppola #lascia #litalia #reazione #strappalacrime #arisa #tipiucom #20luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGlwaXUuY29tLzIwMjIvMDcvMjAvdml0by1jb3Bwb2xhLWxhc2NpYS1saXRhbGlhLWxhLXJlYXppb25lLXN0cmFwcGFsYWNyaW1lLWRpLWFyaXNhLw==
#20luglio #tipiucom #arisa #strappalacrime #reazione #litalia #lascia #Coppola #vito
Arisa e Vito Coppola, svolta definitiva: le sue parole non lasciano dubbi #arisa #vito #coppola #svolta #definitiva #parole #lasciano #dubbi #8luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmxvZ2xpdmUuaXQvMjAyMi8wNy8wOC9hcmlzYS12aXRvLWNvcHBvbGEtc3ZvbHRhLWRlZmluaXRpdmEtcGFyb2xlLWJhbGxlcmluby8=
#8luglio #dubbi #lasciano #parole #definitiva #svolta #Coppola #vito #arisa
Addio a James Caan, il `Sonny Corleone` di Coppola si è spento a 82 anni #addio #james #caan #sonny #corleone #coppola #spento #8luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmFub3ByZXNzLml0L2FydGljb2xvL2FkZGlvLWEtamFtZXMtY2Fhbi1pbC1zb25ueS1jb3JsZW9uZS1kaS1jb3Bwb2xhLXNpLWUtc3BlbnRvLWEtODItYW5uaS8zNzU5MDkv
#8luglio #spento #Coppola #corleone #sonny #caan #james #addio
Nettuno, Coppola pronto a ritirare le dimissioni e azzerare la giunta - Il Caffe #nettuno #coppola #pronto #ritirare #dimissioni #azzerare #giunta #caffe #14giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbGNhZmZlLnR2L2FydGljb2xvLzE3ODI5NS9uZXR0dW5vLWNvcHBvbGEtcHJvbnRvLWEtcml0aXJhcmUtbGUtZGltaXNzaW9uaS1lLWF6emVyYXJlLWxhLWdpdW50YQ==
#14giugno #caffe #giunta #azzerare #dimissioni #ritirare #pronto #Coppola #Nettuno
Vito Coppola, spunta un`altra donna (famosa): Arisa reagisce - TiPiu.com #vito #coppola #spunta #unaltra #donna #famosa #arisa #reagisce #tipiucom #28maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGlwaXUuY29tLzIwMjIvMDUvMjgvdml0by1jb3Bwb2xhLXNwdW50YS11bmFsdHJhLWRvbm5hLWZhbW9zYS1hcmlzYS1yZWFnaXNjZS8=
#28maggio #tipiucom #reagisce #arisa #famosa #donna #unaltra #spunta #Coppola #vito
Si dimette il Sindaco di Nettuno Coppola: ora 20 giorni per ricucire - Il Caffe #dimette #sindaco #nettuno #coppola #ricucire #caffe #26maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbGNhZmZlLnR2L2FydGljb2xvLzE3NzIxMi9zaS1kaW1ldHRlLWlsLXNpbmRhY28tZGktbmV0dHVuby1jb3Bwb2xhLW9yYS0yMC1naW9ybmktcGVyLXJpY3VjaXJl
#26maggio #caffe #ricucire #Coppola #Nettuno #sindaco #dimette
Coppola: `Meret? Deve andare via da Napoli, ogni partita è un esame!` #coppola #meret #andare #napoli #partita #è #esame #24maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FsY2lvbmFwb2xpMjQuaXQvbGVfaW50ZXJ2aXN0ZS9jb3Bwb2xhLW1lcmV0LWRldmUtYW5kYXJlLXZpYS1kYS1uYXBvbGktb2duaS1wYXJ0aXRhLXVuLWVzYW1lLW41MTk3NzcuaHRtbA==
#24maggio #esame #partita #napoli #andare #meret #Coppola
Nettuno, Coppola nomina le quote rosa: Stefania Franchini e Maira Falcone - Il Caffe #nettuno #coppola #nomina #quote #rosa #stefania #franchini #maira #falcone #caffe https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbGNhZmZlLnR2L2FydGljb2xvLzE3NTU3My9uZXR0dW5vLWNvcHBvbGEtbm9taW5hLWxlLXF1b3RlLXJvc2Etc3RlZmFuaWEtZnJhbmNoaW5pLWUtbWFpcmEtZmFsY29uZQ==
#caffe #Falcone #maira #franchini #Stefania #rosa #quote #nomina #Coppola #Nettuno
"the toughest censor in Hollywood is the Pentagon… #Coppola told me that. The Pentagon approves all movies… and reads all screenplays… that contain military personnel or #CIA agents [whose #torture devices should never be shown]"
"Hollywood has always been afraid of [#USA] Govt censorship… so what they did is they censored themselves"
"#Hollywood… is probably the world's greatest propaganda force that's ever existed."
#Coppola #CIA #torture #USA #Hollywood