@rad OTOH, if you happen to be looking for ways to help prevent potential commercial abuse, or proprietary modifications of your software, history has shown so-called reciprocal or #copyleft licenses more effective in doing so.
The obligation to provide source code for modifications upon distribution of those modifications often ends up encouraging would-be commercial users of #FreeSoftware to contribute their improvements back to the community.
More info: https://copyleft.org/guide/
@rain not necessarily...
Some #Copyleft and/or #OpenSource don't allow you to do that.
I'm not just talking about "published source" like #Tarsnap's client, but also #AGPLv3 and #SSPL which are basically designed to prevent competiton - #GAFAM or not - from making any commercial product.
Basically aiming at monopolizing any commercial product.
#gafam #sspl #agplv3 #tarsnap #OpenSource #Copyleft
@luna I mean, I use #GLPv3 as a similar landmine and I seriously want to consider going with a modified #BSD license that is not only #copyleft but forces #ReproduceableBuilds and free as well as unrestricted access to the source code of it and any products using it.
But then again I'm not a lawyer and "drafting your own license" is only beaten by "designing your own cryptographic algorithm / -implementation" in terms of complexity and harm if done wrong!
#reproduceablebuilds #Copyleft #BSD #glpv3
The most important freedoms that #Copyleft protects are those freedoms enjoyed by the *end user*.
💯 Agree!
#softwarefreedom #fossy2023 #fossy #GPL #Copyleft
@nasser I've to agree espechally in the context of #GAFAMs like #NSAbook that are capable of flexing #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish if not completely wreck havoc against said comminities.
And in regards to #RedHat being absolute assholes like #grsecurity, there should be stronger #Copyleft licenses banning any #paywalling of #SourceCode #access...
#access #sourcecode #paywalling #Copyleft #grsecurity #redhat #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #NSAbook #gafams
Or perhaps allow your users to #license their public #toots under an open source #CopyLeft license to poison pill proprietary software and models. Could provide #nonprofits and #academics and #IndieResearchers with an #ML API to give them easy access to just the data that users have opted in to share.
#ml #indieresearchers #academics #nonprofits #Copyleft #toots #license
@arisunz So would you also agree that your school- & textbook publishers are eligible to rentseek from all your income?
Do you think that having read codes makes you inevitably fall under the same license as said code??
That learning to play an instrument or composing music makes all your own works be only "derivaties"???
Because that's essentially the consequence of that logic...
#Copyleft is the same logic as #CollectingAgencies, in that a #remix will inevitably follow the same license.
#remix #collectingagencies #Copyleft
Credit is Due (The Attribution Song)
#Copyright #Copyleft #song
Credit is Due (The Attribution Song)
#Copyright #Copyleft #song
@nasser that's what a lot of dual-licenses and free-for-noncommercial setups already do....
#Copyleft like in #GPLv2 and espechally the hard #MustLicense requirement for #GPLv3 make #Tivolization hard-to-impossible...
#tivolization #gplv3 #mustlicense #GPLv2 #Copyleft
@ed @emilymbender or, said a different way...
My personal opinion is that copyright law is not a tool that we (society) can use to combat every potential harm or rights imbalance related to freely (maybe)redistributable digital goods, in either their production or in their use.
#Copyleft was a creative hack, but not necessarily one that can be, or should be, applied to every situation...
So, no, it is _not_ time for a “CopyLeft AI Data License.”
First, tell me about your intellectual property philosophy. Tell me about your social and societal goals. *Then* we can talk about if #copyleft is a suitable tool to help advance your agenda.
#IntellectualProperty #AI
#AI #intellectualproperty #Copyleft
The #FreeSoftware Movement relies on the social contagion of ideology, philosophy, and ideas to further its agenda, not on a "viral license" that ensnares the unsuspecting, forcing them to "release their source code" for unrelated works.
#OpenSource #FOSS #SoftwareFreedom #CommunityOrientedEnforcement #Copyleft #GPL #GPLv2 #GPLv3
#gplv3 #GPLv2 #GPL #Copyleft #communityorientedenforcement #softwarefreedom #FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware
If today has taught me anything, it is that many #AI researchers know little about #FreeSoftware and #OpenSource in practice, especially when it comes to #copyleft licenses.
#Copyleft #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #AI
I am glad that some of the finer points of protective reciprocal licensing (aka "#copyleft") are still recognized and discussed, even outside the software context.
IMO, the main goal of copyleft is to ensure that the same freedoms given to you are passed on to others, with no additional restrictions.
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #DnD #OGL
#ogl #DND #FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Copyleft