@jonathankoren @neurovagrant Yeah but it's also covered by #Copyright and #Licensing which is why #NTFS has only been implemented as #FUSE module and not in-Kernel...
Similar to how #OpenZFS does a loadable module...
#openzfs #fuse #ntfs #licensing #Copyright
Die #Blackbox #GEMA hat schon Kindergärten und politische Demos geschröpft
Der Verteilungsschlüssel bevorzugt bestimmte Musiker:innen und vor allem Verlage
Nun sollen zahlreiche Kommunen für die Musikbeschallung von Volksfesten oder Weihnachtsmärkten riesige Summen zahlen. Ob das nun zu einer Änderung des Status quo führt. Ich fürchte nicht
#Copyright #Verwertungsgesellschaft #Verleger #Musik #Contentmafia
#contentmafia #musik #Verleger #verwertungsgesellschaft #Copyright #gema #blackbox #Urheberrecht
#Copyright #LLM #AI #generativeAI
Good article demonstrating some major problems with copyright law from @arstechnica
The fact that services like #YouTube and #Facebook have become so interwoven in basic facets of society is a major problem. They yield tremendous power and control. Using self-hosted, decentralized, federated services like @joinpeertube is the solution that wrests control back away from them.
#PeerTube #Copyright #Technology #Tech #Facebook #YouTube
Copyright activists are working to wipe #Books3 from the internet, which may only benefit the big companies that have already been using the #AI training dataset.
#MachineLearning #ml #Books #Copyright #AI #books3
US Copyright Office opens inquiry into laws needed to rein in genAI
> The US Copyright Office is seeking public input on copyright law and policy issues raised by generative #AI and is assessing whether federal legislative or US government regulation are warranted.
https://www.computerworld.com/article/3705928/us-copyright-office-opens-inquiry-into-laws-needed-to-rein-in-genai.html#tk.rss_all #artificialintelligence #copyright
#Copyright #artificialintelligence #AI
Photographers and other creative artists: please make your voice heard:
"US Copyright Office Wants Opinions on Copyright and AI-Generated Works"
📚 Praise for MPs' bid to protect songs and books from AI mining
Abandon AI copyright exemption to protect UK creative industries, MPs say.
“The chorus of warnings from musicians, authors and artists about the real and lasting harm a failure to protect intellectual property in a world where the influence of AI is growing should be enough for Ministers to sit up and take notice."
#AI #tech #books #bookstodon #copyright #piracy
#piracy #Copyright #bookstodon #Books #Tech #AI
New parliamentary committee report says ‘the current [UK #AI #copyright] framework, which allows an exemption for text and data mining for non-commercial research purposes and allows creators to licence their work for any further purpose, “provides an appropriate balance between innovation and creator rights”.' https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/aug/30/mps-criticise-uk-governments-handling-of-copyright-policy-related-to-ai
French publishers accuse Elon Musk of trying to dodge #EU copyright rules
>#Canada drafted similar, albeit stricter, rules forcing Meta and Google to pay news publishers for content, leading to an ongoing tug-of-war with the U.S. tech giants.
In #France, after years of tense talks, media companies eventually inked deals with #Google and #Meta — but not #Twitter
https://www.politico.eu/article/elon-musk-accused-of-trying-to-dodge-copyright-rules/ #copyright #ElonMusk
#ElonMusk #Copyright #Twitter #Meta #Google #France #Canada #EU
New post: LLM-Generated Text Still Can’t Be Copyrighted
A federal judge ruled Friday that AI-generated art is not eligible for copyright. Here, I cover that ruling and speculate on how copyright protection for AI-generated work might eventually play out.
@ppatel is in line woth other juristictions:
Whilst #Germany doesn't require any registration for something to have #Copyright, only natural persons can create #copyrightable material.
A program like #StableDiffusion does not have personhood, thus cannot create "#art" that has any protections whatsoever.
#Art #stablediffusion #copyrightable #Copyright #Germany
US Copyright Office rules that AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted - human authorship and creativity is an essential part of a valid #copyright claim.
#GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence
#Copyright #corydoctorow #generativeAI #artificialintelligence
@cjd @ShadowJonathan Jokes aside: #Copyright is broken!
@ShadowJonathan seriously, #Copyright, like #Patents, should've been a flat 25 years or less and no day more - period!
AI-Generated Artwork Not Protected by Copyright Law, Judge Rules – Rolling Stone
>A federal judge has ruled that artwork created solely by artificial intelligence cannot be copyrighted because “human authorship is an essential part of a valid #copyright claim.”
https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/ai-generated-artwork-not-protected-copyright-law-1234809089/ #AI #artificialintelligence
#artificialintelligence #AI #Copyright
Why the Great #AI Backlash Came for a Tiny Startup You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
A literary analytics project called Prosecraft has shuttered after backlash from the writing community. It's a harbinger of a bigger cultural tide shift.
https://www.wired.com/story/prosecraft-backlash-writers-ai/ #copyright
Wegen 100 Jahre alter Schallplatten: #Musikindustrie verklagt Internet Archive
#InternetArchive #Urheberrecht #ContentMafia #KulturellesGedächtnis #Archiv #Wissen #FairUse #Copyright
#Copyright #fairuse #wissen #archiv #kulturellesgedachtnis #contentmafia #Urheberrecht #InternetArchive #Musikindustrie
@internetarchive RT @glynmoody: "Over the last few years, the RIAA had sort of taken a step back from being the internet’s villain, but its instincts to kill off and spit on culture never went away." - https://www.techdirt.com/2023/08/14/riaa-piles-on-in-the-effort-to-kill-the-worlds-greatest-library-sues-internet-archive-for-making-it-possible-to-hear-old-78s/ @mmasnick on #copyright industry's latest despicable attack on culture and knowledge
@TerryHancock @AnnemarieBridy +9001%
Because nowadays #Copyright isn't a "social contract" protecting #creators and their #labour but simply exist as a means for #Corporations to do #RentSeeking...
#rentSeeking #corporations #labour #creators #Copyright