@julengabiria zuri arretagatik! Asko gustatu zitzaidan #Coraline, horregatik gogoratzen naiz zutaz. Hau motzagoa da, baina zailagoa suposatzen dut.
Adi egongo naiz zure bi itzulpen horiek ateratzean, nahi baduzu abisatu hemendik!
✨ This is bodypaint ✨
I followed a Madeyewlook tutorial for this Other Mother from Coraline. This was painted by me on me:)
Follow for more! I do all of my looks live on Twitch:)
#art #artist #makeup #cosplay #bodypaint #bodypainting #othermother #coraline #Halloween #evil
#art #artist #makeup #cosplay #bodypaint #bodypainting #othermother #Coraline #halloween #evil
Because when you're scared but you still do it anyway, that's brave.
#Coraline #graphicnovel #book #comic
#Coraline #graphicnovel #book #comic
Coraline! I was recently invited to add to the incredible online gallery of ninesquareinches.com! This is a super tiny drawing just 3 x 3 inches in size. It's been over 15 years since I did storyboards for the movie and I find that I still really enjoy drawing Coraline! A trip down memory lane. Check out all the other amazing artists featured on ninesquareinches.com! #grickledoodle #laika #coraline #storyboards #cartoon #stopmotion
#stopmotion #Cartoon #storyboards #Coraline #laika #grickledoodle
Auch neu im #Anijanuar #Paranorman #stopMotion im #Coraline Stil #Filmkritik
#anijanuar #paranorman #stopmotion #Coraline #filmkritik
@Xerezade atzo entzun nuen portzierto! Bikain irakurrita beti bezala eta itzulpenean oso euskara jasoa nabaritu nuen! Baina ulergarri izateari utzi gabe gainera 👌👌👌
Hala ere, onartu behar dut eduki aldetik #Coraline gehiago gustatu zitzaidala. Kultura kristau eta anglosaxoia nahiko eta sobera kontsumitzen dugu... 😅
Hurrengo podcastaren zain geratzen naiz, @Xerezade erabiltzailea jarraitu eta jakinarazpenen kanpaitxoari eman baitiot!
I saw this come by: #7filmstoknowme and while I'm more of a reader, I have seen at least seven movies. So, let's think. Ah, yes, my own list must always start with the number one...
Right, these are the ones I first thought of - and I've seen all of them at least three times (and some a fair bit more.)
Now, books..... and albums.... (Help!)
#theshining #troiscouleursrouge #thebluesbrothers #derhimmeluberberlin #Coraline #bladerunner #casablanca #7filmstoknowme
I did a Coraline sketch for a friend's daughter's holiday gift and it brought me down memory lane. I'm so thankful that Henry Selick and Laika took a chance on letting a formerly unknown indie-comic artist and video game animator take a crack at helping transform the story of @neilhimself 's Coraline into a stop-motion classic. Creating those storyboards opened a lot of doors for me despite the fact that I always pretty much drew Coraline's head like a football. Feeling grateful. #coraline
#bookishAdvent Day 3:
The Girl and the Ghost by Hanna Alkaf
#middlegrade #fantasy that metaphorically talks about #childhoodtrauma #generationaltrauma while also being so enjoyable with #friendships and #Malaysian #supernatural beings.
Especially in case you loved #Coraline #bookstodon @bookstodon
#bookstodon #Coraline #supernatural #Malaysian #friendships #generationaltrauma #childhoodtrauma #fantasy #middlegrade #bookishadvent
#bookishAdvent Day 3:
The Girl and the Ghost by Hanna Alkaf
#middlegrade #fantasy that metaphorically talks about #childhoodtrauma #generationaltrauma while also being so enjoyable with the #Malaysian #supernatural beings.
Especially in case you loved #Coraline
#bookstodon @bookstodon
#bookstodon #Coraline #supernatural #Malaysian #generationaltrauma #childhoodtrauma #fantasy #middlegrade #bookishadvent
#bookishAdvent Day 3:
The Girl and the Ghost by Hanna Alkaf
#middlegrade #fantasy that metaphorically talks about #childhoodtrauma #generationaltrauma while also being so enjoyable with the #Malaysian #supernatural beings.
Especially in case you loved #Coraline
#Coraline #supernatural #Malaysian #generationaltrauma #childhoodtrauma #fantasy #middlegrade #bookishadvent
RT @LAIKAStudios@twitter.com
Is there a better time to visit @PDXJapaneseGdn@twitter.com than in the fall? In early November, #Kubo and #Coraline embarked on a day of storytelling magic with Monkey under the Japanese maples! #portlandoregon #pdx @travelportland@twitter.com
#pdx #portlandoregon #Coraline #Kubo
@julengabiria ah!! Joe!! Banekien orain dela gutxi irakurri nuela zuk itzulitako zerbait, asko gustatu zitzaidan #Coraline!!!
This book is the compelling combination of #NeilGaiman's #Coraline feeling of wrongness, #SuzanneCollins's murderous trials and references from our twitter adventures.
#TheLuminaries #SusanDennard
#neilgaiman #Coraline #suzannecollins #theluminaries #susandennard
💡This idea and template is from @cosullivan
👾To help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same
🎲Here are some of my interests
#introduction #jjba #anarchy #lgbtq #sallyface #dnd #jimmyhere #wildspartanz #monsterhigh #tmnt #rottmnt #Coraline #emo #scene #punk #leftist #artist #ooak #dollcustomization #blm
💡This idea and template is from @cosullivan
👾To help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same
🎲Here are some of my interests
#introduction #jjba #anarchy #lgbtq #sallyface #dnd #jimmyhere #wildspartanz #monsterhigh #tmnt #rottmnt #Coraline #emo #scene #punk #leftist #artist #ooak #dollcustomization #blm
Did we like #CORALINE? Gotta listen and find out!
Also we talked about jellyfish a lot for some reason and learned Laurel Hightower and I are jellyfish butt sting sisters??? I don't even know how we got there, so if you figure it out, let me know! #film #moviereview #horror #darkfantasy #podcast
#Podcast #darkfantasy #horror #moviereview #Film #Coraline
This weekend's UK cinema re-release of #TheBoxtrolls reminded me how much I adore it; it's the joint equal favourite #Laika for me with #paranorman. #Coraline is probably just as good; I just don't personally love it *quite* as much.
#TheBoxtrolls #laika #paranorman #Coraline