What are your favorite #corecursive (or another similar IT #podcast) episodes? I have a 10h flight ahead, and all I'm going to have there is an ipod.
One of the worst feelings for me is catching up on the backlog of a podcast I've got really into, and having to wait for new episodes like a pleb...
I did this a few months ago with #darknetdiaries and it took ages to find another quality podcast to fill that void.
I'm so happy to have found #corecursive. I'm not listening to it chronologically, but I've really enjoyed the five or so episodes I've listened to. Particularly JSON vs XML feat Douglas Crockford!
#darknetdiaries #Corecursive #podcast #tech #programming
🎧 I just listened to an inspiring episode of the CoRecursive podcast about Yann Collet, who taught himself compression algorithms and created LZ4 as a hobby. I really enjoyed his story. Check it out and explore other episodes as well, it's a great podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/corecursive-coding-stories/id1330329512?i=1000611427398 #YannCollet #LZ4 #Zstandard #DataCompression #CoRecursive
#yanncollet #lz4 #zstandard #datacompression #Corecursive
Holy mackerel. Okay, all software developers should listen to this episode of #Corecursive, especially if you use the graphing calculator on #Mac.
I don't want to spoil the story at all so just trust me, and if it's not a good story I guess I'll pay you $10 or something.
#podcast #macOS #Apple #Mac #Corecursive
#SQLite #RichardHipp #Corecursive
- The Battleship
- NP-Complete Problems
- Building #SQLite V1
- #Motorola Phones
- #AmericaOnline Phones
- #SymbianOS and #Nokia
- The #BusFactor and the Consortium
- Enter #Android
- Guys, This Is Important
- Testing and Aviation Standards
- Billions of Tests
- Building From First Principles
- B-Trees and the Art of #Computer #Programming
- #Freedom to Build It Yourself
- Building #Fossil
- Being Self Sufficient
- Advice for Others
#fossil #freedom #programming #computer #android #busfactor #nokia #SymbianOS #americaonline #motorola #Corecursive #RichardHipp #sqlite