/27 All of this so I could get to 27. Game I'd like a new edition of : CORIOLIS! Omg Coriolis. I love Free League, I do, but let's put the film and tv properties down for a minute and focus a little on the GAME THAT NAMED THE COMPANY! I'll settle for source books. Mercy Of The Icons is AMAZING as a campaign, but how do games that have been out less than a year have more source books than one that's been there for nearly 8?! . *And breathe*
#rpgaday #Coriolis #FreeLeague #ttrpg
@TheDigitalDM #Coriolis is my first #scifi #trpg experience, and I'm absolutely loving it. We're only 3 sessions in, so it's early, but I feel if this campaign were to go on for years, I'd be totally ok. 😎
One genre I really want to try out is a post-apocalyptic wasteland stuff. Like Mad Max with varying degrees of magic & weirdness. #MutantCrawlClassic, #MutantYearZero, #NeonLordsOfTheToxicWasteland, #Rifts, I'm all game.
One day! 🤞
#Coriolis #scifi #TRPG #mutantcrawlclassic #MutantYearZero #neonlordsofthetoxicwasteland #Rifts
@laidbackdm #TalesFromTheLoop is awesome! It was my first exposure to #YearZeroEngine. Now I'm in a campaign of #Coriolis, which also kicks ass with its awesome setting that strongly reminds me of #Firefly and #DeepSpaceNine. ❤️
#TalesFromTheLoop #yearzeroengine #Coriolis #firefly #deepspacenine #FreeLeague #TRPG
@HeyeBodo oha. Danke für den Hinweis, das habe ich nicht gewusst. Mache mich mal schlau, denn da sind schon nette Dinge drin. Ja… meine Wunschliste an zu spielenden oder leitenden Spielen ist ellenlang: #bladesinthedark #Vaesen #Coriolis #forbiddenlands und und und… das reicht bis zum Altersheim 😀
#bladesinthedark #Vaesen #Coriolis #forbiddenlands
So what should we collectively call #Traveller #StarsWithoutNumber and #ScumAndVillainy (And maybe also #Coriolis )
It seems to me that these are all just different game mechanics to represent the same kind of science fiction setting. Anything that isn't a game mechanic question should apply to each one like to any other.
Is it Space Opera?
Space Adventure?
#traveller #starswithoutnumber #scumandvillainy #Coriolis
I've read the #Traveller Core Rulebook from 2008 and found it to be very uninspiring and generic.
Though in fairness, the game is over 40 years old, and I guess everything it had that was new and unique for a space setting has also been copied by #StarsWithoutNumber #ScumAndVillany and #Coriolis
#traveller #starswithoutnumber #ScumandVillany #Coriolis
Plugging my friend's new module for #Coriolis!
We played it over a couple of weekends, and it was a lot of fun. Many shenanigans to be had!
I just published a new scenario for Coriolis. Check it out! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/447578/The-Saediri-Siege--Rise-of-the-Nerids #coriolis #coriolisRPG #freeleaguepublishing
#Coriolis #coriolisrpg #FreeLeaguePublishing
C'est pour suivre le sens du tourbillon du lavabo qui se vide ? 🤔😁
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
Site Update:
I added a setting overview page and a page about the social classes of the #IridiumMoons campaign setting for #Coriolis
#iridiummoons #Coriolis #ttrpg
#Coriolis is so fun. Excellent #YearZeroEngine and the world (or rather, the universe) setting is so fantastic. #FreeLeague
#Coriolis #yearzeroengine #FreeLeague
Here's Nadir, our pilot with cybernetic eyes and most definitely wasn't a member of the Order of the Paria.
Stable Diffusion-gen'd character portraits for a new Coriolis campaign we're starting. Here's Zephyr, scout and gunner of the Class IV salvage ship Evening Star.
Loved #Coriolis from #FreeLeague. Can't wait to try #ForbiddenLands.
#Coriolis #FreeLeague #ForbiddenLands
After a grueling (but still fun) heavy combat final session of a (multi-session, don’t ask) one-shot of #Coriolis, was super glad to see an overhaul of the combat rules. The learning curve is still rough on this (for my group, anyway) but we like the world enough to keep at it. #ttrpg
@laurre I read the pdf of #Coriolis front to back several times. I fhink it's a really great looking games that beats out Stars Without Number, Scum and Villainy, and Traveller for my adventure Space Opera needs.
The Year Zero system is just the right amount of complexity and simplicity for me.
I think Coriolis is 95% the same system as the Alien RPG, but with psychic power options and more robust rules for space battles.
RPG Hot Take!
I finally got my print copy of #Coriolis a few weeks ago.
But I never actually read it because it's just such an inconvenient size compared to my 10 inch tablet.
It might come in handy if I need to flip back and forth between two pages while running a game, but otherwise a big stack of paper is just very inconvenient.