#NIH immunology chief Dr #Fauchi, the only #Trump spox worth listening to, says a #cornonavirus antibody tests (one of the three varieties of corona tests is "days away" and many such tests may be available in a week (for the rich and powerful, in all likelihood, but maybe that's just my native cynicism) https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-says-coronavirus-antibody-tests-just-days-away-large-number-will-available-within-1497266
#nih #Fauchi #trump #Cornonavirus
The #WSJ editorial board, hardly a liberal among them, breaks with #Trump over his daily #cornonavirus briefings, in which he sidelines medical experts, and have no apparent purpose other than self aggrandizement https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/10/politics/wall-street-journal-trump-coronavirus-task-force/index.html
Presidential son-in-law Jared #Kushner, whose sole qualification is a a slumlord, is put in charge of the admistration's #cornonavirus repsponce, fresh from rendering middle east peace plans a dog's breakfast https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/01/jared-kushner-coronavirus-response-160553
#Italy, Dinamo Press: To our friends all over the world from the eye of #Covid-19 storm - "We have to use the emergency situation to remember who brought our healthcare system to this point with cuts and privations." #Cornonavirus #COVID19 #corona #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/17/italy-dinamo-press-to-our-friends-all-over-the-world-from-the-eye-of-covid-19-storm/
#antireport #corona #COVID19 #Cornonavirus #covid #italy
#Bologna in times of the #Coronavirus - The Wu Ming Diary - #COVID19 #Corona #COVID2019 #Cornonavirus #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/17/bologna-in-times-of-the-coronavirus-the-wu-ming-diary/
#antireport #Cornonavirus #COVID2019 #corona #COVID19 #coronavirus #bologna
#Rieti, #Italy - Something is moving under the state of emergency - #COVID19 #Corona #COVID2019 #Cornonavirus #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/16/rieti-italy-something-is-moving-under-the-state-of-emergency/
#antireport #Cornonavirus #COVID2019 #corona #COVID19 #italy #rieti