I was surprised to find out that Alpro are owned by massive dairy corporation Danone. Not great if we're trying to reduce the environmental impact of dairy.
Pure Oaty is produced by an independent UK company and available from Holland & Barrett, or direct with free postage. https://www.glebefarmfoods.co.uk/product/glebe-farm-gluten-free-pureoaty-barista-oat-drink-1l/
#plantMilk #dairyFree #corporateBullshit #ethicalConsumer
#plantmilk #dairyfree #CorporateBullshit #ethicalconsumer
Got a blandly worded email off British Gas hinting that I'm going to get gouged even further - fixed the copywriting 👍
#britishGas #energyPrices #corporateBullshit #costOfLivingCrisis #costOfGreedCrisis
#britishgas #energyprices #CorporateBullshit #Costoflivingcrisis #costofGREEDcrisis
I've been listening to some Slovak #PunkMusic from almost 30 years ago lately and it scares me to see how relevant (#environment, #consumerism, #GovernmentSurveillance, #HumanRights, #PoliceBrutality, #CorporateBullshit, #propaganda, #SocialProblems) it's even today. And some of this stuff has got even worse since then. I guess we should have paid more attention to these guys when there was time.
#PunkMusic #environment #consumerism #GovernmentSurveillance #humanrights #policebrutality #CorporateBullshit #propaganda #SocialProblems
@medvidekpu som si od začiatku myslel, že #Linkedin je ešte väčší nezmysel než bežné "neprofesionálne" socmédiá. Plný korporátnych nezmyslov a porovnávania, kto má väčší pipík, na základe kadejakých vymyslených metrík.
#linkedin #socialmedia #CorporateBullshit
This is so real! Do these type of people actually believe they communicating clearly?
#corporateBS #CorporateBullshit
“As a hiring manager, they don’t get paid more because you perform outstandingly, like you’re the first on your team. But they do get penalized if their candidates keep on quitting early or disobey authority. And what kind of candidates quit early and disobey authority? Usually, the ones that are the smartest and most qualified in terms of experience and intelligence.”
#recruitment #hr #hiringmanagers #humanresources #CorporateBullshit #capitalism
#recruitment #hr #hiringmanagers #humanresources #CorporateBullshit #capitalism
@brendan_ryan anyway I see the word "pivot" mostly used by managers or HR noobs rather than people with a CS degree. to me it looks like typical #CorporateBullshit 😃
smart dog, hats off